The Androgyny Deception
Part 1
“Manly Men &
Womanly Women”
The Androgyny Deception
What is the hottest topic in the church today?
The following quote deals with
current issues facing our church.
A sobering quotation
"Those who feel called out to
join the movement in favor of
woman's rights and the so-
called dress reform might as
well sever all connection with
the third angel's message.”
{1T 421}
What does this mean?
Why? Why? Why?
The common link between the women’s
rights movement and the “so called dress
reform” is the push to remove the
distinction between men and women.
Another term for this concept is
(Both male & female or neither male nor female)
Why is this mindset becoming so popular?
Who is really behind this agenda?
We will begin by looking at
some foundational principles
found in the inspired writings.
True Manhood and Womanhood
When God created humans in His image, He
designed us to be a reflection of Himself,
portraying the beauty of His character.
Because of sin, the image of God in
humanity has been greatly marred and
almost entirely defaced. Through the
renewing, regenerating power of the
Holy Spirit, God proposes to restore in
us the image of God, enabling us to
reflect the character of Christ, in every
In order to understand how we are to
be restored to the image of God, we
need to understand how we were
originally created. From the very
beginning God designated a
distinction between the sexes.
“Male and female created He them.”
Ellen White writes extensively
about the true education of our
youth, which is based on biblical
principles. These principles
“are the foundation of noble
manhood and womanhood.”
{CG 336}
What kind of education will
make the youth a blessing to
the world?
“The education which will
make the young a blessing to
the world, is that which
enables them to attain a true
and noble manhood or
womanhood.” {FE 72.2}
We can’t start too early to teach these principles to our children:
“From their babyhood train your
children for God. If in their earlier
years the foundations of a righteous
character are laid, their lives, as they
grow into manhood and womanhood,
will develop into beautiful temples for
the Lord.” {18MR 119.3}
What is the result of this godly
“If this kind of education
had been given to our
children, we should today
see far less selfishness, far
less envy and jealousy; we
should have more manly
young men and womanly
young women.”{RH, December 9, 1890 par. 9}
Why is this point regarding
the distinctiveness of the
manhood and womanhood so
Because Satan has a master plan to
blur this distinction between the
sexes. He knows if he can confuse
this issue in our minds, he can block
God’s plan to restore us into His
This is not a side issue, but a foundational issue in the great controversy.
Have we been affected by
Satan’s agenda to blur or
obliterate male/female
Perhaps more than we have realized.
If we are keeping abreast of the
news, we can see that Satan is
working overtime to push his
plan of gender confusion to new
levels of rebellion, turning our
society into a modern Sodom.
One of Satan’s major goals is to
destroy the family. He uses various
rebellious movements as effective
agents to achieve his goals. If he
can destroy the family, he can
destroy God’s authority
over humanity.
If we consider our condition as Seventh-
day Adventists, and see that the
prevailing sins of society are often in our
midst, we must reason from cause to
- Why do we have a lack of godly men
- who are strong spiritual leaders?
- Why are we experiencing a high rate of
- divorce among church members?
- Why do we see the same fashions,
- sports and entertainment in the lifestyle
- of members as in the world?
- Why are we seeing great apostasy, and
- hearing strange doctrines in our midst?
Today, the church is in desperate need of
godly, manly men.
Tragically, the exemplification of godly
manhood has become nearly extinct.
While true Christians are becoming more
manly or more womanly according to
Christ’s plan, the worldly men and
women are becoming more confused
regarding their gender roles. We see this
very clearly in society.
Our current culture is bent on
destroying true manhood and
womanhood. Society’s idea of
what it means to be a man or a
woman is all messed up!
This website declares that a Manly Man:
Walks with a proud swagger
Does what he wants
Eats meat and spicy food
Likes loud music
Loves cars
Loves women
That’s not God’s idea of a manly man!
The world thinks
a manly man means macho, a
feminine woman means sexy.
Pride, vanity, immodesty, & self-
glory are not God’s idea of
manliness and womanliness!
Satan provides many unmanly
options for ungodly men, such
as being abusive, self-centered
or effeminate.
He also provides many
unwomanly options for ungodly
women, such as being seductive,
competitive or superficial.
But mainly, Satan wants
women to be insubordinate to men.
We see how the world has
twisted the concept of
manhood and womanhood.
What is true manhood and
“The tendency today is to stress the
equality of men and women by
minimizing the unique significance
of our maleness or femaleness.”
John Piper
But this depreciation of male and female
personhood is a great loss. It is taking a
tremendous toll on generations of young
men and women who do not know what
it means to be a man or a woman.
Confusion over the meaning of sexual
personhood today is epidemic.
John Piper, “Manhood and Womanhood Defined by the Bible,” page 16
What is God’s standard of
Manhood and Womanhood?
It’s all beautifully portrayed in
the Spirit of Prophecy, especially
in the books
Adventist Home & Child Guidance.
A true man takes his responsibility of
spiritual leadership seriously. Everything
he does is prompted from an awareness
of his God-given role.
A manly man will teach his son the value
of work, and teach practical, character-
building skills that will make him a good
provider for his own family.
“All members of the family center in the
father. He is the lawmaker, illustrating
in his own manly bearing the sterner
virtues: energy, integrity, honesty,
patience, courage, diligence, and
practical usefulness.” {AH 212.1}
A womanly woman will exemplify
modesty of appearance and deportment.
She will not be forward or flirtatious.
She will not hang around the men, or
try to outdo them.
“Wonderful is the mission of the wives and
mothers and the younger women workers. If
they will, they can exert an influence for good
to all around them. By modesty in dress and
circumspect deportment they may bear witness
to the truth in its simplicity.” {DG 150.3}
A womanly woman’s appearance is
natural, simple and modest. Her
attributes are refined and sensitive,
designed to ennoble and uplift the
sterner virtues of her husband. She will
not be assertive in trying to usurp the
leadership role of her husband.
“The wife is to grace the family circle as
a wife and companion to a wise
At every step she should inquire, "Is this
the standard of true womanhood?"{AH 114.1}
For a woman to answer the question:
Is this the standard of true womanhood?
–she must know what that standard is!
We can only understand and attain God’s
standard of true manhood or womanhood as
we come close to Jesus, and study His
“All that makes men manly or women
womanly is reflected from the character
of Christ.” {CT 541.2}
As a man reflects on Christ’s holiness
and sacrificial love, he becomes a
stronger leader in a noble, dignified
and loving way.
As a woman reflects on Christ’s holiness,
she becomes more submissive and
supportive of her husband in a loving,
How important it is then, that we model
to our youth our God-ordained roles as
men and women, and encourage them to
embrace them.
God’s ways and the world’s ways are
in direct opposition to each other!
Satan’s ways bring disharmony and
Satan is the master of blur!
He wants to make our
spiritual eyesight fuzzy,
so we think we’re
worshiping God when
we’re really worshiping
the devil!
In the process of gender
blending, Satan has set out
to obscure God’s will.
He uses society to exert a
powerful influence on God’s
people, so they cannot see the
matter clearly.
Victor Mowery writes:
“God is the God of order. Satan is the
author of confusion. Wherever God has
ordained order, such as the virtues of
manhood and womanhood, Satan wishes
to destroy that order and replace it with
confusion. Here are the main battle
fronts Satan seems to have chosen lately
in his ages-old quest to destroy God’s
order for Man and Woman:
“The acceptance of homosexuality,
making a meaningless mockery of the
God-ordained institution of orderly
The rise of feminism, bringing the
decline of gender-based roles of any
The brainwashing of men to accept the
passive, clueless roles that Satan
envisions for them. The use of every
facet of Satan's power in this world to
accomplish the above, including his
control of the entertainment industry, the
media, the fashion industry, etc.”
Satan is trying to deceive us, and
get us to accept his devious plan,
and to agree with his evil agenda.
That is why we must reconsider
our standards and practices in all
these matters if we would
effectively resist Satan’s gender
blending attack.
Why does Satan want to
disrupt God’s order?
Why does he want to blur or
pervert the gender distinction?
He’s still vying for unlawful
power. He wants us to join him
in his rebellion.
Gender blending is one of
Satan’s powerful tools for
the overturning and overtaking
the government of God.
Satan uses the pagan mindset
and the godless perversity of
society to enlist people in his
The Bible and the Spirit of
Prophecy are very clear as to
the male headship in the
home and in the church.
“At the beginning, the father
was constituted priest and
magistrate of his own family.
Then came the patriarchal
rule, which was like that of
the family, but extended
over a greater number.”
{ST, July 13, 1882 par. 2}
Patriarchy is not a great evil.
It is a God-ordained system
that begins in the home, and
extends to the church.
In early times the father was
the ruler and priest of his own
family, and he exercised
authority over his children,
even after they had families
of their own. His descendants
were taught to look up to him
as their head, in both
religious and secular matters.
{PP 141.2}
The patriarchal system, as
designed by God, defines the
roles of men and women.
“This patriarchal system of
government Abraham endeavored
to perpetuate, as it tended to
preserve the knowledge of God.
It was necessary to bind the
members of the household
together, in order to build up a
barrier against the idolatry that had
become so widespread and so deep-
seated.” {PP 141.2}
“The Lord has constituted the
husband the head of the wife
to be her protector; he is the
house-band of the family,
binding the members
together, even as Christ is the
head of the church and the
Saviour of the mystical body.”
{AH 215}
“Let every husband who
claims to love God carefully
study the requirements of
God in his position. Christ’s
authority is exercised in
wisdom, in all kindness and
gentleness; so let the husband
exercise his power and
imitate the great Head of the
church.”{AH 215.1}
“The father is in one sense the
priest of the household, laying
upon the altar of God the
morning and evening sacrifice.”
{CCh 145.3}
“Eve was created from a rib
taken from the side of Adam,
signifying that she was not to
control him as the head, nor to
be trampled under his feet as
an inferior, but to stand by his
side as an equal, to be loved
and protected by him.” {LYL 11.2}
Do we ever read in inspired
writing that the husband is to
be provided for and protected
by the wife? No.
Here we see the difference
between the roles of husband
and wife:
“In the marriage vows they
have promised to be as one,
the wife covenanting to love
and obey her husband, the
husband promising to love
and cherish his wife.” {CCh 130.3}
“It is the duty of the wife to
yield her wishes and will to
her husband. Both should be
yielding, but the Word of God
gives preference to the
judgment of the husband.”
{1T 307}
“We women must
remember that God has placed us
subject to the husband. He is the
head, and our judgment and views
and reasonings must agree with his,
if possible. If not, the preference in
God's Word is given to the husband
where it is not a matter of conscience.
We must yield to the head.”
--Letter 5, 1861. {TSB 28.2}
“God has assigned woman her
mission, and if she, in her
humble way, to the best of her
ability, makes a heaven of her
home, faithfully and lovingly
performing her home-duties to
her husband and children, she is
doing the work left her of the
Master. These women . . . are
missionaries in the highest sense.” {PH011 39.1}
“We may safely say that the
dignity and importance of
woman's mission and
distinctive duties are of a
more sacred and holy
character than the duties of
man.” {3T 565.2}
Why should she seek a man’s
role when she has such a high
Consider this: Does not God,
in His infinite wisdom, have
the right to give different
assignments to His created
While God loved all the holy
angels equally, they were
assigned different positions.
Lucifer was assigned the
highest position among
created beings, but,
“step by step he
miscalculated the position
that had been assigned.”
{RH, May 30, 1899 par. 3}
Because of discontentment
with his position, Lucifer lost
everything. If he can inspire
humans with the same
discontentment of their
position, or of their gender
role, he vicariously conquers
God through humanity’s
Satan failed
in his attempt
usurp authority and power
that was not rightfully his.
“The controversy in heaven began
with selfish strife for position, a
desire on the part of Lucifer to be
equal with God.”{RH, May 30, 1899 par. 3}
Women have been led to believe that
they are inferior if they do not push
their way into a man’s world, and
demand equality in everything.
The feminist definition of equality
means that there is NO distinction in
any area.
See's_Strike_for_Equality, is.html
Feminists claim
that meaning and fulfillment
can only be found if they have
“equal rights.”
In other words, they demand
identical roles as men, “without
regard to gender.” But they are
making the same mistake that
Eve made.
“She was perfectly happy in her Eden
home by her husband's side; but, like
restless modern Eves, she was flattered
that there was a higher sphere than that
which God had assigned her. But in
attempting to climb higher than her
original position, she fell far below it.
“This will most assuredly be the result
with the Eves of the present generation
if they neglect to cheerfully take up their
daily life duties in accordance with
God's plan.”{3T 483.1}
God’s directions regarding this order
of male headship are very plain.
If we follow them carefully, we can
expect a reformation.
Notice this following quotation:
"Wives, submit yourselves unto your
own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Husbands, love your wives, and be not
bitter against them."
“ . . . How plain are the
directions that God has
given through the
inspiration of His Spirit.”
“. . . When parents will remember that
they are to begin with the church in the
home, the true work of reform for which
God calls will be carried forward.
{PUR, December 15, 1904 par. 9}
Dare we invalidate these plain directions
regarding the headship of man in regards
to the church?
If we do, we throw out the whole
symbolism of Christ and the church,
as modeled by the husband and wife
“God is the husband of His
church. The church is the bride,
the Lamb's wife. Every true
believer is a part of the body of
Christ regards unfaithfulness
shown to Him by His people as
the unfaithfulness of a wife to
her husband. We are to
remember that we are members
of Christ's body.”(Letter 39,1902). {7BC 985.9}
The home is a model of the
church. The husband is to
model the headship of Christ,
and the wife is to model the
submission of the body to the
Unfortunately, this plan has
not been faithfully followed
by many of us.
If God’s plan for headship is
not followed in the home,
confusion and division
spreads to the church.
Just as the patriarchal rule spread
to the extended family, so the
principle of the headship of the
husband spreads to the church
family. The same rules govern
“The rules and regulations of the
home life must be in strict
accordance with a ‘Thus saith the
Lord.’ The rules God has given for
the government of His church are
the rules parents are to follow in
the church in the home.”
{ST, September 25, 1901 par. 19}
Ministers should be
housebands = husbands
“Those whom the Lord intrusts with His
work [Ministers] should cultivate home
religion. . . .
They should cultivate such traits of
character as will qualify them to stand as
head of their own households.
They should be housebands.”
{RH, March 14, 1893 par. 6}
“The meaning of ‘husband’ is ‘houseband.’ “
{ST, March 28, 1892 par. 1}
The feminist cry for “Equality”
must necessarily by linked with
the removal of the patriarchal
system, which makes a difference
between the roles of men and women.
A feminist declares: “We as females
must break out of this patriarchal
construction,which acts to only
pacify us into submission, and begin
to take hold of positive
characteristics considered both
masculine and feminine.
We must become androgynous,
whole persons. We must regain the
power.” only-option/
Patriarchy is seen as a great
evil, which needs to be
This line of thinking has come into
many churches as a push for
women’s ordination. In the
ordination of women, spiritual
authority is assumed by females.
When the
patriarchal system is
removed, the inroads of
paganism become pervasive
in society.
The androgynous movement
is currently trying to do away
with all sexual distinction.
When all these distinctions
are blurred, Satan will have
effectively destroyed our
reverence for our Creator,
our faith in the Bible and
our purpose for existing as
a Christian church.
In this presentation, we have clearly
seen how God set up a system of
male headship, both in the home and
in the church.
In the next presentation we will
discover the shocking roots of the
movement that wants to do away
with the male/female distinction.
End of Part 1
Part 2 will clearly reveal the
roots of androgyny. You will see
how this masterminded agenda is
preparing society to receive the
final delusion. he-Androgyny-Deception-part-2.pdf