The Androgyny Deception
Part 2
“Discovering the Roots
of Androgyny”
What is the definition of male headship:
In the partnership of two spiritually equal human
beings, man and woman, the man bears the primary
responsibility to lead the partnership in a God-
glorifying direction.
The model of headship is our Lord, the Head of the
church, who gave Himself for us.
Gender issues are some of the
hottest topics in the news.
The family is being
Roles are reversing.
What’s behind all this?
Christ has chosen men to be ministers of
the gospel, His ordained delegates, who
have received their authority directly
from Jesus. He’s in charge, and He has
chosen men to be His earthly
This is not human opinion, but God-
inspired truth.
While Christ is the minister in the
sanctuary above, He is also, through
His delegates, the minister of His
church on earth. He speaks to the
people through chosen men, and
carries forward His work through
them, as when in the days of His
humiliation He moved visibly upon
the earth. . . .From Christ's ascension
to the present day, men ordained of
God,deriving their authority from
Him, have become teachers of the
faith. {4T 393.1}
God has provided light and truth for the
world by having placed it in the keeping
of faithful men, who in succession have
committed it to others through all
generations up to the present time. These
men have derived their authority in an
unbroken line from the first teachers of
the faith. Christ remains the true minister
of his church, but he delegates his power
to his under-shepherds, to his chosen
ministers, who have the treasure of his
grace in earthen vessels. God
superintends the affairs of his servants,
and they are placed in his work by divine
appointment.{ST, April 7, 1890 par. 6}
Notice her use of men and women in these quotations. When she says men here, she means males! Ministers are to be MEN.
The primary object of our college was to
afford young men an opportunity to
study for the ministry and to prepare
young persons of both sexes to become
workers in the various branches of the
cause. {5T 60}
Those who enter the missionary field
should be men and women who walk
and talk with God. Those who stand as
ministers in the sacred desk should be
men of blameless reputation. {5T 598}
Satan desperately wants to
disrupt God’s creation order.
He has manifested his hatred
of male headship in many ways.
If you study the history of androgyny, you will
understand that it is a rebellious defiance
against God’s creation order, and has been
manifested in pagan religions throughout
Many of the idols that the
Israelites worshiped in
their apostasy were female
When Solomon apostatized from
God and began worshipping the
female goddess Ashtoreth, what
happened to him?
“His character, once noble and
manly, became enervated
[weakened] and effeminate.”
{PK 58.1}
Worshipping a female
goddess turned a noble, manly
king into an effeminate moral
This is Satan’s goal for each of
us, to destroy our morality, and
our sense of the exceeding
sinfulness of sin.
Androgyny is defined as having
both male/female characteristics,
or not being distinctly male or
Male model of the year — 2011
Since women’s clothing has become
more masculine, and men’s clothing
is becoming more feminine, there is
now no plain distinction between the
clothing of the sexes.
The next level of attack is on
gender roles.
There is a huge push for equal
roles in all areas.
One doesn’t need to appear
androgynous to have an
androgynous mindset.
An androgynous mindset means that
we do not consider this blurring of
gender boundaries WRONG.
By accepting this gender blending,
and not opposing it, we buy into the
androgynous mindset.
There are many ways we can accept
the androgynous mindset, such as:
1. Not accepting our God-assigned roles
2. Wearing clothing that blurs the
male/female distinction
3. Being accepting of any gender blurring practice
What are we doing to warn our
youth about the dangers of the
androgynous mindset? We may
think we can ignore it, but our
youth aren’t ignoring it.
This type of activity is rapidly increasing.
Carl Jung
In the roots of modern psychology,
we find the androgynous theory:
“Jungian psychology, itself influenced by
eastern religious thought, was very
influential in the founding of modern
psychological theory. The operative
anthropology of Jungianism was a belief
in the androgynous nature of all people -
that there are female/feminine and
male/masculine characteristics latent
within everyone.”
Carl Jung
Jung theories were highly influenced
by Gnosticism
“As early as August 1912, Jung had
intimated [in] aletter to Freud that he had
an intuition that the essentially feminine-
tones archaic wisdom of the Gnostics,
symbolically called Sophia, was destined
to re-enter modern Western culture by
way of depth psychology.”
Paganism has embraced the
androgynous mindset since its
Goddess worship is an integral part
of Paganism and Gnosticism.
This is androgyny.
Paganism is making a strong
comeback. Gnostic ideas are
attracting multitudes.
A Gnostic Feminist writes:
"...the main thing distinguishing the Gnostic
gospels from the orthodox gospels is their
abundance of powerful feminine imagery of the
Divine. They reveal that many early Christians
described and worshipped God as dyad, a being
consisting of both masculine and feminine
“They prayed to both the divine Father and the
divine Mother--to Mother-Father. One of their
prayers, still intact, begins, 'From thee, Father,
and through thee, Mother...' The Gnostic
gospels also referred to the Holy Spirit as
--The Dance of the Dissident
Daughter, p. 151,
Sue Monk Kidd, former Baptist turned feminist.
The feminist movement is rooted
in the Gnostic beliefs of
androgyny. Gnosticism teaches
that the true God was a woman,
and that the lesser god who
created humans was evil.
Humans were originally
androgynous, both male and
female, until they sinned.
Some Gnostics taught that the
androgynous Adam had to be
split apart, into a male and
female, as punishment.
In order to get back to godhood,
we must become androgynous.
Many who have bought into the
feminist agenda are unaware of
these roots of feminism. The
push for removing gender
distinction finds its foundation
in such ungodly beliefs.
NOT Recommended Reading
The push to obliterate gender
roles is also taken up by the gay
movement. If they succeed in
blurring who is male and who is
female, they remove all gender
Then they are free to “love”
whomever they wish, male or
female, or both.
This causes society to call evil
good and good evil.
Those who oppose this agenda
are marginalized and ridiculed.
Confusing propaganda makes
it seem unloving to oppose
The demand for“equality”is the
cry of both feminists and
To both groups, equality means
removing gender distinction.
Homosexuals and transgenders are
exalted as the shamans of the neo-
pagan religion, because they have
“broken through the evil gender barrier,
and become spiritually connected with
the Mother god.”
“Of course the
homosexual activists,
along with the radical
feminists, have long
pushed the androgyny
line; that male and female
are merely interchangeable
roles and artificial social
constructs. Gender is
fluid, and there is no
physical, biological or
genetic basis for sex
“This is all part of their
radical agenda to destroy
marriage and family, and
foist their own brave new
world on to the rest of
society, whether they like
it or not.”
Bill Muehlenberg Complementarian
Society is in a gender crisis.
For around 150 years, step by step
society has been heading to where we
are today. Each new step has been
shocking and sometimes horrifying for a
brief time until society became used to it.
The church also gets used to it.
This is reality.
Going back in history, we see that
Women’s Rights is undeniably linked
with Spiritualism, as well as with
defying gender boundaries.
Spiritualism and feminism both defy the
God-ordained headship of men.
Ann Braude
Ann Braude’s Radical Spirits (1989)
traces the importance of women and
women’s rights in the Spiritualist
movement since its inception in
1848 – incidentally also the year
of the momentous Seneca Falls
Convention. It was spiritualism
that paved the way for the
women’s right’s movement
nn Braude
NOT Recommended Reading
“The first women's rights meeting in the
United States, held at Seneca Falls,
New York, in 1848, itself followed
several decades of a quietly-emerging
egalitarian spirit among women.” /The-Long-Road-To-Suffrage.htm
The Fox Sisters
“Now back in 1848, and not twenty five
miles away from the initial rappings heard in
Hydesville, the feminist movement had their
First Women's Rights Convention at the
Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, New York
on July 19 and 20 - just a few short months
after spirit began communicating with
women in that same geographic area.” 9/08/02/spiritualism-feminism-changing- humanity-together-far-the-dapc-blog/
Women's rights advocate Victoria
Woodhull (1838- 1927) was a
spiritualist, clairvoyant, faith healer and
apostle of free love who maintained that
her spirit guide had set her on a mission
to create a social revolution.
NOT Recommended Reading
Because feminism has convinced many
women that their value comes in having
identical roles as men, there is a huge
push to get women into church
leadership. We can see that this has been
on the agenda from the very beginning
as those spiritualists followed the
promptings of their spirit guides.
NOT Recommended Reading
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a spiritualist who
organized the women’s rights convention at
Seneca Falls showed open contempt for the
Bible, declaring it to be of human origin, written
by men who loved to dominate women. She
fought for “equal rights” for women, both in
society and in the church.
After a huge success in gaining
converts, spiritualism seemed to die
out in the 1870’s. In reality, it just
moved right into the churches.
Satan’s agenda could better be
carried out in the church than
“Spiritualism’s decline caused the
religious thrust of the women’s rights
movement to move instead to
evangelical Christianity.”
And spiritualism is still strongly influencing
those who are leading out in the push for
women’s ordination. A major organization
formed for this purpose, Christians for Biblical
Equality (CBE) has very definite links to
present-day spiritualism, although it is
disguised and undetected by the unwary. Many
of the supporters, authors and directors of CBE
are directly connected with spiritual formation,
such as Richard Foster, Brian MacLaren, Tony
Compolo, Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian, Dr. Walter C.
Kaiser, Jr., Stanley Gundry, and Roger Nicole.
“Feminists active in the mainline
Protestant churches have also succeeded
in placing the androgyny concept near
the apex of those churches theologies.
Such theologians identify, in particular,
with the old Gnostic heresy, the belief
that God is both male and female, and
that “Holy Wisdom,” the female persona
of God, mediates the “fall” of humans
into bodiliness and also the escape from
Creation into spiritual life. Men and
women, they say, can rise above their
carnal sex roles and gain spiritual
Complementarian Mary Kassian writes,
“Biblical feminists formulated a definition of
equality for Christian women that concurred
with the definition put forth by secular society.
Equality meant role interchangeability
—a woman had the right to fill any position
that a man held.”
The Feminist Mistake, p. 255
From a website promoting the Complementarian viewpoint, The Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
“It is evident that sexual perversion and the
elimination of sexual distinctions are not
incidental footnotes of pagan religious history
but represent one of paganism’s fundamental
ideological commitments. As we have noted,
the pagan priesthood is identified, across space
and time, with the blurring of sexual identity
via homosexual androgyny. If history is a wise
teacher, we may surely conclude that paganism
will always give enormous priority to
destroying God-ordained monogamous
heterosexuality and to promoting androgyny in
its varied forms.”
The Androgynous Agenda promotes:
- Feminism’s view that gender roles are
-Androgynous fashions that blur the
distinction between the sexes
-Women as spiritual leaders.
-Male headship in the home as undesirable
-Total equality between men and women
in all areas.
Is Our Culture Becoming Androgynous?
“To say that a culture or relationship
is androgynous is to say it lacks rigid
gender roles and the people involved
display both masculine and feminine
characteristics or partake in both
masculine and feminine activities.”
Androgyny and Homosexuality
“The gay liberation movement
embraced the idea of androgyny,
for it allowed lesbians and gay
men to show their gender
characteristics openly in society.
Subsequently, the prevailing wind
for social changes started to
sweep across the globe,
empowering women and
softening the image of men, while
altering the perception of human
nature consisting of opposite sex
roles to human nature unifying
two complimentary sex roles as a
legitimate gender.”
Androgyny and Evolution
“Apparently, the increasing global attraction
to androgyny indicates that the modern
theory of evolution holds greater sway than
the traditional doctrines of Christianity.
Some may believe that androgyny is just a
passing trend, and others may think that it’s
part of the evolution of humanity.
Whichever it is, one thing seems inevitable
- as the world becomes more integrated and
complex, society will adapt pervading
changes as social norms to move humanity
forward in its social evolution.”
Androgyny and Spiritualism
Modern-day Spiritualists channel messages from
demons, to prepare humans to enter the 5th
They teach that in order to ascend into higher
consciousness, humans must once more achieve
a balance in their masculine and feminine
energies; they must become androgynous.
Spiritualist Madame Blavatsky’s masterpiece
“The Secret Doctrine,” published in 1888,
teaches that Adam was androgynous, both
male and female, which was the highest
spiritual level.
Warning: I do not recommend going to this site above, as it is filled with demonic messages. If you choose to read this site, proceed with great caution and much prayer. It is referred to here because it exposes Satan’s agenda.
Spirit guides, (demons) who are currently
channeling through modern day
spiritualists, are sending messages to all
who will listen. One of the messages they
are sending is that humans need to clear
themselves of all “gender energies,” and
become androgynous.
Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and
Transgendered are cooperating with the
demons to bring this state about. Notice in
the next quote the answers the demons
give to this follower:
Written by a follower of modern spirit guides,
Carl Forsberg
“The distinction of Male and Female, thus Man
and Woman is no more clearly defined as it is
by the Human race. For me personally, as a
man, it became for me a 30 year prison of my
entire life. Yes, I knew I was born to be a man,
but by my Teen years, I knew deep within
myself I had a female identity that longed to be
recognized. To my own embarrassment I had
as much real feeling for my male companions as
I did for the women in my life. Over the years I
let this become a prison for myself because I did
not know how to express these feelings without
breaking all the rules I was raised with.
“There was no one that I could turn to that did
not condemn these feelings, and I even had
thoughts of Suicide because there was no
resolution I could turn to.
The greatest condemnation came from my
family and my religion, the two elements I was
closest to in my life.
I prayed for and finally received the answers I
needed from my Spirit Guides, who have been
my constant companions and have never let me
I realize now that God Itself, the author of all
life is androgynous, meaning, God is the perfect
balance of all that is Male and all that is
Female. The longer we live in our journey back
to the Cosmos, which is our Goal, the more
God like we become. Therefore, our roles take
on a greater and greater balance of both sexes.”
This is so revealing, because it clearly exposes
the devices of the devil right down to the core.
The more his followers become like Satan, the
more androgynous they become.
The Androgynous thinking promoted by the
devil is basically the removal of the distinction
between the sexes, whether in appearance or
It is Satan’s master plan to obliterate gender
distinction. His demons are spreading it far and
We can see it clearly now.
We have no excuse for following his agenda.
Consider Satan’s lie in the Garden of Eden.
—You will become like gods, knowing good
and evil, if you just follow what I tell you to do.
(eat the fruit).
Well, that same devil is telling people—You
will enter the 5th dimension, a new world
order, and become a god, if you will just do
what I tell you to do (accept androgyny).
God said—Don’t eat the fruit.
Now God says—Maintain a plain distinction
between males and females.
So, who will we obey, God or Satan????
God’s truth is: the more we become like Christ,
the more distinct will we become in our
manliness or womanliness.
That is God’s truth.
That is His promise.
“Manliness, womanliness--
sanctified, purified, refined, ennobled--we have
the promise of receiving.” {1SM 88.3}
“All that makes men manly or
womanly is reflected from
the character of Christ.” {CT 541.2}
With just a little bit of research,
(as we should not delve into these
matters,) one uncovers the obvious
link of androgyny with modern
Notice in the next sections how
androgyny is part of the integral
process of becoming a ‘god’ and
“Cosmic Androgyny: the union of He
and She within.
The Spirit and Flesh World Religion and
Spirituality Online Library: uniting
seemingly opposed ideologies and
vibrations into the true, pristine
harmony of cosmic oneness. Meditating
deeply after smoking marijuana can
help facilitate the union of your male
and female aspects. The union occurs
within, so you must be silently within
yourself to allow the union.
“Wholeness is the outcome of the
alchemical union of opposites within
the individual, specifically male and
female, light and dark, internal and
external, spirit and flesh.
To merge the inner with the outer is to
be conscious of both the inner and outer
at the same time, and then to merge
both aspects into one. At the subtle level
of Self, where all duality ends, there is
neither male nor female, good nor evil,
inside nor out—only a living, limitless
ocean of being/awareness/peace.
“When all is one self, that self is a
oneness which defies all categories of
duality, for it is now one I which is both
male and female, transcendent and
immanent, spirit and flesh.
All is Goddess and God, united in their
stillness and generative duality of
oneness wherein all arises, passes away,
and yet remains in the subtle harmony
of their togetherness. Our I is one with
Goddess and God. I am we, and I am
Goddess and God, which is everything.”
As we can see, this Androgynous mindset is the
doctrine of devils, rooted in rebellion, and
designed to prepare a people to enter the
Satanic “5th dimension.”
The spiritualists explain the necessity of
androgyny for this 5th dimension
“The four astrological alignments . . . will
thereby support the creation of the New
Anatomy known as the Adam Kadmon body,
and on a parallel level the necessary
dimensions of the androgynous physical
manifestation, lightbody/Christbody and
Consciousness to also come into physical
manifestation.” 5th-dimension
This Satanic teaching of ascension requires an androgynous state:
“For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is
the highest realms a Soul can reach.
Spiritually, starting from the beginning, it is
the last stop downward on the dimensional
ladder before we enter the realms of
limitation. We incarnate here as
androgynous stellar beings. Since we live on
Stars we have luminous Light Bodies.
These eternal forms have no need for pain,
the warning signals that physical bodies
provide. Therefore there is no physical
suffering. Neither do we suffer from any
form of separation because we constantly
experience the
Oneness of Mother/Father Creator.”
The point is, the devil is serious about
promoting androgyny in our society.
His followers recognize it as a mandate for
their spiritual evolution.
It is being taught in classes, promoted in
the media, displayed in fashion, and
mainstreamed through the United Nations.
Everywhere you turn, you will see this
androgynous mindset being pushed on us.
We need spiritual discernment to recognize
the impact of this androgynous mindset.
This Spiritualistic Class is offered at a cost of $250 per session:
“RoHunTM Advanced Processes
These are transformative and advanced
processes that continue the healing of the
subconscious, and expand your awareness
to greater states of Light and love in your
The advanced processes are:
The Androgynous Process – male and female healing (three sessions);
The Divine Mother, healing issues with the mother (one session);
The Origin Process – healing issues with God (two sessions);
and The Seven Visions of Self (three sessions).”
Another spiritualistic website offers instruction on how to become androgynous:
“Seven Chakras Androgyny Grids
I trust that your journey through
the chakras and Androgyny grids
will awaken the Dynamic Light
within you to shine even brighter
and stretch further a field,
shedding light on the extended
aspects of your life.
May your adventure be filled with
exciting discoveries of the
treasures and wisdom that ARE
inside of you, just waiting to be
The essence of Spiritualism is the age-
old lie, “ye shall not surely die and Ye
shall be as gods, knowing good and
Having deceived mankind into eating of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
Satan wants to make them believe that,
in becoming gods, they will have access
to the tree of life.
But, in order to do that, they will need to
become androgynous.
It is preposterous to suggest that God is
in favor of the gender blurring agenda
being promoted by the enemies of
To wrongfully use Galatians 3:28 to
promote the removal of distinction
between the roles or appearance of men
and women is inexcusable.
Does God really think it’s a good
idea to remove all gender
distinctions? Or this is Satan’s
Gender Mainstreaming:
The New Age/United Nations Agenda
1. Merge God and Nature (ecology)
2. Eradicate male-female distinction
3. World peace and nuclear disarmament
4. One world government
5. One world religion
The Androgynous Mindset promotes
Feminisms view that gender roles are
Androgynous fashions that blur the
distinction between the sexes.
Women as spiritual leaders.
Male headship in the home as undesirable.
Total equality (identical) between men and
women in all areas.
Distinct OR Blended
This androgynous issue is not a small thing.
Our attitude toward it is a heart issue, leading
to either obedience or rebellion.
It affects so many attitudes and practices!
Indeed, the entire character is shaped by one’s
philosophy on this very matter.
What is one of our greatest dangers?
“One of the greatest dangers that besets
God's people has ever been from
conformity to worldly maxims and
customs.” {CG 471.2}
What is a maxim?
Maxim=basic principle, or rule of conduct
What is a custom?
Custom=habitual practice
“There must be earnest, careful,
persevering effort to break away
from the customs, maxims, and
associations of the world. Deep thought, earnest purpose, steadfast
integrity, are essential.”{CT 62.2}
This is not going to be easy!
When light shines on our pathway, it is our privilege and duty to walk in the light.
This may mean changes in lifestyle, wardrobe, career, philosophy, pursuits, and so on.
May God help us!
God wants to strengthen our
manhood and womanhood!
“The Lord is at the door, and all the manhood
and womanhood of our spiritual being is to be called into activity.”{RH, April 12, 1898 par. 11}
“Why not make up your mind that
you will stand in your God-given
manhood and womanhood, and,
through Christ, be overcomers?”
{ST, March 18, 1889 par. 8}
As the world acceptsthe
let us, as Christians,
in decided contrast,seek to
become Manly men
or Womanly women
in Christ!
Highly Recommended Books & Websites
End of Part 2
Part 3 will open your
understanding to historical
events in society and in the
church that have made a huge
impact on our current practices.
Click here to view Part 3 of Androgyny Deception