We are offering two free books- Please note these are not e-books and we will mail them to you at your request.
The Great Controversy
The Desire of Ages

As you make your selection of the offered books please go to Contact Us or click here and submit your request for one copy of whichever titles you are interested in reading.
Additional copies available for a nominal charge.
Instead of writing a description of these books we thought we would post what other readers have written.
The Great Controversy
By Ms Chi If you ever had doubts about the significance of the Bible, the GC will allay those fears and confirm your faith in God's word. Reading through the history of the Protestant reformers and the trials and tribulations they encountered trying to preserve the Bible and share it with others is very convincing of Divine intervention. Surely, the Bible has to be the most important book ever written.
By A Customer In the Christian world today few people know the roots of their belief systems. Even fewer appear to know what the Bible predicts about the future. This book shows both those Bible prophecies already fulfilled in our past and those that are yet to come. If you have any curiosity about the history of the reformation this is the book for you. Even if you are not a Christian this book is interesting from a purely historical perspective.
By Rose I have found this book difficult to put down or turn off. a wonderfull insight to gods grate plan and how he has worked through people to bring it to the finall end. may that day come soon.
By A Customer The first twenty chapters of this book are a comprehensive and moving history of Christianity and the struggle of the early Reformers to break free from the persecution and tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. The lives of Huss, Luther, Calvin, Wycliff and other martyrs are related in loving detail, and one cannot help but be touched and uplifted by the courageous integrity of these great men of God who represent our spiritual forefathers. I really consider this one of the greatest books I have ever read and recommend it to anyone who wants a better understanding of the origins of Christian persecution and the enormous blood sacrifices that were required of men so that you and I could simply open a Bible in freedom.
By Tarrie I am so appreciative of this Book, and would love for you to read it too, so that you can know what the future holds. Thank you for having this on your page.
By valv24 The subject matter in the book is crucial for every human on the Earth. It is a book worth reading by anyone, for reveals the truth behind the scenes, everyone of us the truth about salvation and about our chance to live forever.
By Mary Coleman This is a really great book with a lot of history and information that we need today written in a way that is pretty easy to understand. It is something one would want to read more than once as it has more information than you can hold at one setting. It is also something you can use as a study guide. Very interesting book.
By D. Lerell Very powerful dynamics. I feel like i have a more broad insight into the Bible after reading this book. All should read this book. Catholics should especially read this book. ***** Five stars all the way.
By Lam I find the book to be an interesting, thought provoking read. If anything it will cause you to dig into the the Word of God, and that's always a good thing for anyone seeking greater clarity in their search for Biblical "truth". The book presents a different understanding of "Daniel and Revelation then what is generally taught in mainstream protestant denominations. Worth the read if you are open to being challenged and you enjoy historical accounts of the early Christian movement and how it evolved into today's various denominations.
By A Customer This book is very important and backs up the Bible 100% - it doesn't contradict it. It should be read by everyone to get a better understanding of the things that people are so confused about because of the lies of many churches and/or religions. This book explains in clear terms what the Lord asks of us hiding nothing. Not everyone likes to be told the truth, this book is only for those who are ready to know the real truth. If you are familiar with the Bible, you will see that this book is a great book to explain certain issues in detail.
By D.K. Wise Answers: Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? Incredibly accurate, seemingly "eye witness" account of the story of God and man. From God's plan to create mankind, through the wanderings of mankind, and finally, to the restoration of mankind to his original state. Historically and Biblicaly accurate. This book truly a "MUST READ" for anyone with interests about the beginning of this "New Millenium". What's next? This book tells you. Read it, I say, it's an "I-can't-put-it-down-book.
By S. Wilson I read this book when I was younger and I didn't like it. I am not sure of my reason. Then I became curious as to whether the church we have today differed and how it differed from the church in the apostolic age. After going back over the book and reading it more in depth, I find the history to be very accurate. I find the theology to be well-supported by the Bible. I can say I am willing to believe what the Bible says, and to doubt anything that does not completely harmonize with God's Word, whether it is popular or not. My own faith is encouraged that God's Word will never contradict itself and gives me a sense of confidence in the accuracy of His Word.
Few books have remained in continuous print for more than one hundred years, fewer still can claim that level of preeminence in multiple languages.
The Great Controversy is one of those rare literary masterpieces. This is one of those paradigm-shifting books that rock the reader’s world. It’s a page-turner that not only informs, but illuminates the mind. Prepare yourself for new frontiers of insight as you read The Great Controversy.
The Desire of Ages
By Richard Moravetz The Desire of Ages. This book was written about the life of Christ. It goes into detail of the time in history as well as Jesus life here on earth. The writer of this book has definitely inspired by God to write this book It is not a novel.
By chatwithlori It has been a long time since a book has had this impact on me. I am seeing Jesus through not only new eyes, but I am learning about him like I would want to learn about my best friend and or mate. I really am enjoying this book it has stirred a new fire and closeness with my Savior. The book is an account of the bible and his life, only expounded with thought provoking details that you would never had thought. I feel so close to Christ. I am reading it each day. It is written in such a way that completing a chapter has become my devotional time, I pull out my most beloved book, my bible and study along with the story... AMAZING
By A Customer Presents comprehensive thoughts by detailing to the reader the life, events, emotions and challeges ever present in the life of Christ. Attention is given to detail as the author answers theological questions that seem to be present in todays society. This book, read with an open mind, and an open Bible, will change your life! I have read it several times.
By D.K. Wise The very best account of the life of Christ that I have ever read, aside from the Bible. This author brings a seemingly eye-witness perspective to this work. The characters come to life in amazing detail. It makes reading the Bible itsself more understandable. This book give the reader a feeling of "personal contact" with the Man whose birth divided time into BC and AD. Who was / is Jesus? I am so glad that I read this book. Like a magnifying glass to The Gospels.
By G. Jenkins I began reading this classic and could not put it down. I can only say that it made the pages of the Bible come alive. In my opinion this book enhances many of the stories of the new testament in such a way that can never be forgotten.
By A Customer The dramatic description in this book of the life of Christ has been lifechanging for me. I would encourage you to read this book if you really wnat to understand what His life was all about.
By Iscollins22 This is the best book I've read on the life of Christ. It helped me to see why God sent His only son to earth and how it effected both of them. I learned how Jesus lived and how much He loved each and every one of us. This book is very well written and I had a hard time putting it down.
By R. McRae Read it and see. As if one were stepping into the world of Israel 2,000 years ago. Even into the various individual lives themselves. A great companion to that greatest of all books, the Bible. We find a real Jesus, with a real man's body, and a real man's voice, yet with the compassion of God Almighty. For He was also God in the flesh. The true God He came to reveal. Not the one shrouded in superstition and tradition, but the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. For the honest reader looking for a blessing, the Prince of Peace will touch the soul, after the reading of this inspired commentary of the Holy Gospels.
By Stan Strange This book gives the story of Jesus' life in a way that answers all the questions surrounding him. Why did Jesus come here in the first place? Did he fulfill ancient Hebrew prophesies? Was he really who he said he was? Why did people treat he the way they did? Did he have to die? Did he have a larger purpose? Why did he speak so mysteriously sometimes? If you really want to come to know Jesus as the person... as he truly was, this is the work for you. I have read it three times and never come away without being inspired, awed and humbled.
By Dionne Thompson The Desire of Ages is a definite must read and re-read, as it demonstrates the life of a true Protestant and Christian. Many details within this highly descriptive life story of Yeshua, point readers undoubtedly back to the Holy Scriptures. While reading and re-reading, new ideas emerge, as new light emerges in a sanctified Overcomer's mind. I highly recommend this book, as it draws believers closer to our Great Magnificent Redeemer, now acting as High Priest in the Holy of Holies (Hebrews 8:1-5, 9:12-28).
By Michael Zdyrko This is a book everyone should read who wants to know who Jesus is. This book helped me to understand the Bible better than before.
By Big D This book i have studied for over 10 yrs and always find something inspiring. Its not a regular book you want to just read through. But one you want to ponder deeply page by page and pray over it before you do because this book has been given by inspiration of God so we need HIS HELP TO GRASP IT. IT IS A BOOK THAT HELPS US UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE BETTER and how our charactors should be.
We are offering a free DVD called Prophecy Foundations by Doug Batchelor
It sells at Amazon.com for $49.99(over priced)+ $4+S&H + tax (Aug 2019)
It is free to you with free S&H from this website.
Please read the comments about this DVD below.
The Prophecy Foundations DVD blows the doors of Bible prophecy study off the hinges, with dozens of hours of video and audio and hundreds of pages of study resources to get you up close and personal with God’s Word than you ever imagined possible―with $300 worth of multimedia resources all on one DVD-ROM!
4.8/5.0 rating
Kathy in Claude, TX - AWESOME
This dvd/rom is packed FULL of an abundance of bible resources and a wealth of information. It is intended for your computer, so make sure yours is compatible for the set. It also will download a number of versions of the bible for you and allow you to do your daily bible reading on line, and switch right back to your studying. I love it. It took me a while to figure it out, but I am not really computer literate, so if I can do it, anyone can. My son also purchased a copy and loves his too.
It just has so very much information on it, it's unimaginable...I'm having a wonderful time exploring the material. I have so very many questions, and this seems to be providing the answers I am looking for. I look forward to many happy months exploring the Word...thank you.
Samuel L. -
Awesome absolutely awesome, my son and I prayed this morning and asked God to bless the many avenues used to spread the Gospel to the world. We recently started a bible group at the local library with the aim and prayers of sharing "Jesus" with others. I believe this resource would be invaluable sharing Gods love and truth to a dying world, there are countless thousands crying, thirsting and hungering after true happiness that only Jesus can satisfy. Praise God.
Denice C. - Great Bible study Resources
A great multimedia DVD with many tools to help with Bible study and help in understanding Bible prophecies. There are many hours of videos, books and audio presentations and even lessons for kids. Your whole family will enjoy this. Great for home school learners also.
This is a DVD ROM disc, and meant to be used on a computer only, not a TV.
A Revolutionary Bible study experience that will transform the way you understand last-day prophecy!
You will explore 27 different topics in-depth with a powerful array of multimedia presentations the click of a button, including ...
- 25 hours of video footage
- 48 topical pocket books
- 9 in-depth books by prophecy experts
- 173 audio presentations
- 51 topical Bible study lessons
- 10 Bible lessons for kids
Each study is loaded with Scripture references that will help you unpack the mysteries of Bible prophecy for yourself, enabling you to uncover key prophecy concepts.
Please note: This is a DVD ROM disc, and meant to be used on a computer only, not a regular TV.
Mimimum system requirements for this disc are:
WINDOWS: Intel® Pentium® III 1GHz or faster procesor, 512MB of RAM Recommended: Pentium 4 2GHz or faster, 1GB RAM Windows 7, Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise including 64 bit editions, Windows Vista SP1, WIndows XP Tablet PC Edition SP2 and SP3, Windows XP SP2 and SP3, WIndows 2003 Server
MAC OS X: Intel Core(tm) Duo 1.83 GHz or faster processor, MAC OS X 10.4.4 or MAC OSX 10.5.4, 10.5.5 and 10.6 512MB of RAM
As you make your selection of the offered books and DVD please go to Contact Us or click here and submit your request for one (or all) of the titles you are interested in reading.
Additional copies available for a nominal charge.
Which Bible ?
The modern Bibles have been changed.
Information about the differences of the modern translations compared to the Received Text - the King James Version is revealed. The KJV was translated from the Hebrew and Greek - the original languages the Old and New Testaments.
Explanations are presented as to how and why texts are deleted, parially removed, altered, and/or reduced in meaning in the modern translations- and who did it. These are two in-depth presentations by professor Walter Veith with excellent information and documentation. You do not want to pass this up.
Though not on DVDs, but available free online, these two informative video presentations in the Informative Online Videos section of this website that can be seen at the links 213 and 214 below:
Description: Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Spiritual forces would wish to rob man of the only source of inspiration outlining the road to salvation. In the Battle of the Bibles hard evidence is provided for how the enemy has worked behind the scenes to create the stage for the final attack on the Word of God itself. The history and affiliations of those who have dared to reshape God's Word to suit their occult philosophy is clearly exposed.
Description: In this video a hands on approach of the Bible is followed, exposing the blatant changes that have been made in modern translations to rob Christ of His pre eminence. See for yourselves and prove whether these things are so.
As you make your selection of the offered books and/or DVDs please go to Contact Us or click here and submit your request for one (or all) of the titles you are interested in reading or watching. -Please note these are not e-books and we will mail them to you at your request.
However,if you are overseas or would like to start reading the Great Controversy now click HERE for The Great Controversy ebook.
Additional copies available for a nominal charge.
BTW, also available are several other ebooks that might interest you. Check out the link below.
eBook Central - find an ebook here