3 Landmarks of Prophecy - Episode 3 - The Prince of Pride

Ever wonder if God is love, why is there so much evil? In this presentation, Doug Batchelor reveals the true origin of sin and evil. Did God really create the devil? And if not, where did Satan come from? This eye-opening presentation lays out the Bible facts to help you understand the true story of Lucifer and his fall from heaven. You’ll also see how cultures have made a myth-like story of the devil that isn’t at all like the Bible reveals.

There is a delay in this presentation. It will begin 13 minutes 30 seconds into the recording.

Go To Landmarks of Prophecy 4

 1 Landmarks of Prophecy 1 Dream of the Ages

 2 Landmarks of Prophecy 2 The Return of the King

 3 Landmarks of Prophecy 3 The Prince of Pride

 4 Landmarks of Prophecy 4 Ultimate Sacrifice

 5 Landmarks of Prophecy 5 The Devil’s Dungeon

 6 Landmarks of Prophecy 6 The Unchangeable Law 

 7 Landmarks of Prophecy 7 The Rest of the Work

 8 Landmarks of Prophecy 8 The Richest Caveman

 9 Landmarks of Prophecy 9 Bewitching Spirits

10 Landmarks of Prophecy 10 The Final Firestorm

11 Landmarks of Prophecy 11 Cleansing the Sanctuary

12 Landmarks of Prophecy 12 The Magnificent Kingdom

13 Landmarks of Prophecy 13 Born in a River

14 Landmarks of Prophecy 14 Bowing to the Beast

15 Landmarks of Prophecy 15 Marked for Death

16 Landmarks of Prophecy 16 The Woman of Truth

17 Landmarks of Prophecy 17 The Daughter’s Deadly Dance

18 Landmarks of Prophecy 18 Babylon’s Buffet

19 Landmarks of Prophecy 19 The King’s Ambassadors

20 Landmarks of Prophecy 20 True and False Prophets

21 Landmarks of Prophecy 21 The Goal of the Godly