The SDA Denomination and ecumenical connections

Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Religious Freedom, Persecution & The Coronavirus March 12, 2020

Ecumenism, A Trojan Horse Within Adventism

Due to the easy access of information over the internet, these activities of Diop have come under significant scrutiny by faithful Seventh-day Adventists around the world.

Pope Pushes One-World Religion on Israel’s Independence Day 

posted Feb 21,2020

Attorney General William Barr on Religious Liberty

October 2019

If ever there was a need for a resurgence of Catholic education – and more generally religiously-affiliated schools – it is today.

I think we should do all we can to promote and support authentic Catholic education at all levels.

Transcript of Attorney General William Barr presentation

Pope Francis Criticizes Conservatives In America


September 18, 2019

Hi friends, Some significant things happened in the last few days that I thought would warrant producing another Prophecy News Update.. On September 12 the Vatican produced a YouTube video of the Pope reading a statement and issued an international news release. In his five-minute message he is calling world leaders to Rome May 14, 2020 to establish a "Global Pact" to reeducate the youth of the world regarding, among other things, how to save the planet. He references his 2015 encyclical on climate change that also addresses Sunday keeping. Whenever the Pope calls for the religious and political leaders of the world to come to Rome and meet with him I get Revelation 13 goosebumps. I thought you might want to see this and please pass it on to your friends. Pastor Doug



Evaluating The Growing Young Cohort From Fuller Seminary

It was scary though, sitting through those “Growing Young” meetings, when across from me sat a handful of Adventist leaders who began Bobbleheading. 

A General Conference Executive, Ganoune Diop, Sings the Traditional Roman Catholic Song for Mass – In Latin

Celebrating Mass: When Adventists Become Indistinguishable from Catholics and Evangelicals 

Left to right: A Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, an Ordained Woman Priest holding up the “wafer god” during mass and a Roman Catholic Priest.     2019

After 500 Years, Reformation-Era Divisions Have Lost Much of Their Potency  October 2017

Reformation Scars all but Healed


Luther Garden of 500 Trees in Germany

The One Project Analyzed by Rick Howard 

[Editor's note from Fulcrum7:  Shortly before he died, Pastor Rick Howard sent me several articles where he analyzed the Emergent Church Movement, the One Project and the progressive spirituality flooding into the church.  Even though Rick's voice of experience and warning is now silent his words live on in his books and articles.  This is one of the articles that Rick sent to me.]

Another Step in The Ecumenical Journey  

 Floyd Sayler

A General Conference Representative, Ganoune Diop, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,  was involved in an ecumenical audience with the pope on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at the Vatican.

The church may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall. It remains, while the sinners in Zion will be sifted out--the chaff separated from the precious wheat. This is a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must take place.--2SM 380 (1886).  {LDE 180.5} 

Seventh-day Adventists: Surprising Ecumenical Engagement

This video [has been removed. Not sure why.] below had excellent information, but the speaker has a strong German accent.  It is worth your time to watch and listen and check it out as you come to each disturbing fact. Please pray for and share this with our church leaders and members as we need so much to wake up!

Published on Feb 23, 2015

For 150 years the Seventh-day Adventist Church has preached that all the signs of the Antichrist power of the first beast in Revelation chapter 13 is being fulfilled in the pope and the Catholic Church. It spite of this the Seventh-day Adventist church is today a part of the ecumenical movement either as member or observer, even though they know that it is the Catholic Church that stands behind this movement. In this video you will see why this development has taken place, a little by little from the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).