WCAS Mission Statement Revision

Eiji Minami

Some of you may have already noticed that WCAS Mission Statement has been recently revised.  Below is our updated Mission Statement. The first paragraph was revised, and supporting Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy references were supplied to each paragraph.


Mission Statement

World Church Affirmation Sabbath exists
to affirm the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and
to support its worldwide representative structure in harmony
with the leadership of the General Conference.
9T 260.2
We affirm these beliefs in accordance with the teachings of
the Holy Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White.
Isaiah 8:20
We share this mission with like-minded Adventists
who choose to stand for these beliefs
and share the Three Angels' Messages with the world,
that the world may become
of Christ convicted, to Christ committed, for Christ compelled.
Matthew 28:18-20 --- Revelation 14:6-11

It should be noted that the mission statement of any organization is regularly scrutinized and re-examined to ensure that the short statement accurately reflects its mission.  For instance, our own world church constantly reviews its stated beliefs and policies in General Conference committee and business meetings. These are revised as needed, with worldwide representative input, to ensure that the statements are clear, accurate, and not easily misunderstood.
The following is the first paragraph of our previous Mission Statement.

World Church Affirmation Sabbath (WCAS) exists to affirm
the leadership of the General Conference and
the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world

Notice the addition of “its worldwide representative structure in harmony” in our new Mission Statement.  Even though, technically speaking, the term the General Conference is inclusive of the representative structure of the worldwide church, the absence of specific mention of the layers of the church structure has caused some misunderstanding about our mission. 
Our mission at WCAS is not only to affirm the leadership of the General Conference, but also to support and work with the local conferences, unions and divisions. WCAS seeks to promote a harmonious working relationship between all these layers of our worldwide church.
We appreciate those who kindly suggested we revisit the wording of our Mission Statement. We believe that God has led the WCAS Planning Committee in this process, guiding us to better define our identity and mission.

The First Change

Eiji Minami

In science the researchers often begin with a preconceived idea of what the results from an experiment should be.  Observed data are not always cold objective facts.  Data can often be interpreted toward white or black depending on the grayness.  Scientists’ preconceived ideas can greatly influence the lessons drawn from an experiment.  The scientists, claiming to be objective, need to be the severest critics of their own experiment.

At WCAS we realize we need to stand back, look at ourselves, and seek to be objective. It is easy for us, as it is for others holding strong beliefs, to become overly zealous to bring unity and order back to God’s beloved Adventist Church.  We are disturbed when we see errors taught more and more openly and even defiantly.  It is necessary to act in the defense of the Bible teachings of our church.  

We too experience the human tendency to point fingers at others.  We are tempted to blame the leadership of the Church in our Division for not working in unison with the clearly expressed will of the world church.  We might think that if we could just change defiant leaders, the church will experience unity and the truth will march on.

This is an erroneous assumption.

It is true that it is necessary to keep distinction between the truth and error.  Errors need to be traced back to their origination.  We need to walk by the Word of God, not by the cultural dictates of the day.  “Be not conformed to the world” is a repetitive warning in the Scriptures, in both Old and New Testaments.  All through history God labors to correct His people who continue with such determination in the attempt to worship Him and idols at the same time.

But who is to blame for the state the church is in now?  Will replacing the leadership in the conference, the union, and the division fix the problem?

God has permitted the present crisis in His church to occur in order to wake us from our lethargy.  Those leaders are “our” representatives elected into their offices by “our” delegates.  The decisions that are made in the different levels are made by “our” delegates.  We have nobody but ourselves to blame for letting the errors come in, first ever so quietly, but now so boldly.  It is time for us who are serious about the purity of the church, who proclaim that our beloved SDA Church is the remnant church in the last days, who have been entrusted with the three angels’ message to finish the great controversy, to wake up and unite together to fight the battle.  For this purpose WCAS meets periodically for face to face fellowship and the presentation of uplifting messages by lay members.  This is the reason WCAS communicates through the newsletter to inform, encourage, and empower those who seek to advance the mission of the Church.

The battle is not against “them”;  it is against “us.” We have been slumbering in comfort.  We must take up our cross and follow Jesus.  It is now  time to do the work for which we are responsible. We must become involved in the decision-making processes in the church, starting in the local congregation, the conference, and beyond.

It is also time to earnestly pray for heart change, not only our own hearts, but including in those at whom we are tempted to point fingers.  When we humbly come to the throne of the almighty God, we should search our own hearts instead of blaming others.  We should develop compassion towards those who are in darkness.  Daniel included himself in the confession of his people at the time of crisis.  God called Job to pray for his friends who misrepresented Him.  God called Moses to pray for Miriam for her healing.  His presence came back to the camp when healing came to repentant Miriam by Moses’ intercession.

“Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15).   Nothing but God’s power can bring a change of heart in His people.  And nothing short of this change of heart will bring the changes which need to happen in the Church. We want unity in the truth. This is our hope. We have faith that Jesus will accomplish His purpose through His Church.  But we must take our first step when He calls us to “go forward.”

At WCAS we encourage ourselves to be the severest critics of ourselves.