WCAS Mission Statement and revision

Read the Fulcrum7 article about this 

movement - Click HERE

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WCAS has persistently refused to be an inflammatory organization, seeking rather to educate, uplift and inspire Seventh-day Adventist laity toward a more active, positive role in God's remnant church. Our Sabbath afternoon events have featured topics relating to core Adventism, its history, beliefs, prophetic guidance and hope of a soon-coming Saviour. During question-and-answer periods, we have sought to avoid hot-button issues, much to the dismay of some who are eager to foment discord among the brethren. 

Since the recent election of Elder Minner Labrador as UCC President, we have not had opportunity for a follow-up meeting between UCC and WCAS. We are willing to discuss their concerns, and we ask for a thorough evaluation of our actual principles, goals, mission statement and practices. We have attempted to be “wise as serpents, and harmless as doves,” (Matthew 10:16). UCC apparently perceives the opposite. 

We are thankful to note this UCC statement against WCAS was not voted unanimously. We continue to pray for a cooperative resolution of these tensions. Despite the clash of opinions and practices among God's people, may Christ's prayer be heard, God's will “be done, in earth, as it is in heaven,” (Matthew 6:10). We have no hidden agenda, no mud to throw. 

WCAS recently issued a harmony statement because it is our hope that all church entities may work harmoniously at all levels, humbly submitting ourselves “one to another in the fear of the Lord,” (Ephesians 5:21). We solicit the prayers of faithful Seventh-day Adventists around the world, that “we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (Hebrews 12:29) whether in lay or leadership roles within God's remnant church. 

The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has acknowledged and publicized WCAS in its June 2017 Executive Committee Newsletter (see page 4). Numerous church members and leaders at all levels have personally affirmed and encouraged the mission of WCAS. We covet that same understanding, appreciation and cooperative harmony with all local conferences where WCAS is active, including UCC. 

Our 2019 events will be held on Sabbath afternoons, February 16, May 4 and September 21. Watch for details on our website (affirmationsabbath.org) and on Fulcrum7.com.”

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts,” (Zechariah 4:6).

WCAS Mission Statement

World Church Affirmation Sabbath (WCAS) exists
to affirm the leadership of the General Conference and
the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world.

We affirm these beliefs in accordance with
the teachings of the Holy Bible and
the writings of Ellen G. White.

We share this mission with like-minded Adventists
who choose to stand for these beliefs and
share the Three Angels' Messages with the world;
that the world may become
of Christ convicted, to Christ committed, for Christ compelled.

WCAS Mission Statement Revision

World Church Affirmation Sabbath exists to affirm the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and to support its worldwide representative structure in harmony with the leadership of the General Conference.9T 260.2 We affirm these beliefs in accordance with the teachings ofthe Holy Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White.Isaiah 8:20 We share this mission with like-minded Adventistswho choose to stand for these beliefs and share the Three Angels' Messages with the world,that the world may becomeof Christ convicted, to Christ committed, for Christ compelled.Matthew 28:18-20 --- Revelation 14:6-11

It should be noted that the mission statement of any organization is regularly scrutinized and re-examined to ensure that the short statement accurately reflects its mission.  For instance, our own world church constantly reviews its stated beliefs and policies in General Conference committee and business meetings. These are revised as needed, with worldwide representative input, to ensure that the statements are clear, accurate, and not easily misunderstood.

Mission of the WCAS Newsletter

  • To strengthen member resolve to do the work of Jesus,
  • To encourage Adventist laypeople to pray for world church leaders,
  • To equip them to become actively involved in decision-making in their conference constituency,
  • To realistically inform them of items of concern, and
  • To accomplish these in a positive and balanced manner remaining vigilant with regard to the present crisis facing the Church.

WCAS 10 Principles of Action

  1. Participants support the decisions of the world church expressed through the General Conference.
  2. Participants seek unity on the basis of inspired truth rather than cultural compromise.
  3. Participants uphold God’s purpose for church organization and for pressing together rather than separation.
  4. Participants learn Protestant biblical interpretation – the historical-grammatical method.
  5. Participants are active and responsible members in their local congregation.
  6. Participants learn how to work effectively in board and constituency meetings.
  7. Participants commit themselves to pray for faithful workers, and for Heaven to provide godly, decisive leaders for the harvest.
  8. Participants embrace the conviction that God is in control, and choose not to be intimidated by factions opposing truth in the Church.
  9. Emphasizing connection to Jesus our Lord, participants learn how to resist pluralism, congregationalism, and other present errors.
  10. World Church Affirmation Sabbath emphasizes the Seventh-day Adventist representative form of church governance. We are the Church.


            World Church Affirmation Sabbath   PO Box 28034   Spokane, WA 99228

            Reach WCAS communication director at:    AffirmationSabbath@gmail.com

  Official website:        http://www.AffirmationSabbath.org
  Facebook page:       http://www.facebook.com/WorldChurchAffirmationSabbath
  Newsletter Sign-up:  http://www.AffirmationSabbath.org/subscribe/
  Twitter:                     https://www.Twitter.com/UCC_WCAS/

      We are a World Church.