September 4 - 23, 2016 -Jerusalem

( A new interfaith and spiritual gathering of Christians, Jews and Muslims will take place in Jerusalem September 4 - 23, 2016.

Religious symbols of three of the monotheistic religions. Credit: AnonMoos via Wikimedia Commons.

"Amen-A House of Prayer For All Believers", part of the 2016 Mekudeshet Festival from September 4-23, is an initiative created by the Jerusalem Season of Culture, an annual festival in Jerusalem, to bring together the world's three major faiths "who share a belief in one God and a boundless love for Jerusalem to dialogue, study, sing and pray together in one temporary house of worship," said a press release.

Artists, actors, musicians and media figures from around the world are expected to participate in the event.

“We will study, argue -- yes, this is also allowed -- and pray -- together and alone. We will see if it is possible, despite all the corporeal difficulties and earthly obstacles, to create a new reality,” said Mekudeshet Artistic Director Itay Mautner.

For a month, representatives from all three religions will offer a series of discussions at the Jerusalem Music Center, with options to pray three different times per day in Arabic, Hebrew and Coptic.

“It is nothing short of a miracle that between four walls, we will inaugurate a temporary home for the three religions that share Jerusalem and for all those who wish to dwell under the wings of the Almighty,” said Mautner.

Webmaster note: This event is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, It is not an event God has ordained, but warned us against.

Below is a video with many facts regarding the possible formation of a one world religion. (Not all presented is accurate prophetically. Please do your own Bible study on questionable statements in the video.) Perhaps the final goal won’t be a single religion but a common point of agreement regarding worship. Maybe a common day of worship - a false Sabbath not the established Sabbath written by God in the fourth commandment. 

In Daniel and Revelation prophecy reveals unity will be achieved through compromises is God’s Law. It will be a matter of worship as it was in Daniel 3. (Revelation 13:8)  Revelation 13:3 reveals the whole world will wonder after the beast and will worship him and receive  the 'mark' of the beast.(Revelation 13:17)  - or choose to follow God’s will (John 14:15, 1John 2:4, Revelation 12:17,  Revelation14:12,  Revelation 22:14).  Daniel 7:25 prophecies this power will "think to change times and laws". Current events point to that time as now - and then the end will come.