Pathway to Health  - Beckley, WV


Given the natural disaster in Beckley recently, we are in great need of mental health counselors at our Pathway Beckley event.  Please reach out to those professionals that can come help out in reaching the community of Beckley in that capacity.  If you are in that field, please consider joining us July 13-15 in Beckley, WV.   You may register at .

Please  join us in praying for the citizens of Beckley and the surrounding areas.

We need more people like YOU! Reaching our goal of 300 volunteers is the key to making #PathwaytoHealth Beckley, WV a success. We know you are anxious to be a part of this mission, and so we ask that you consider sharing your excitement on social media to help spread the word about this service opportunity to medical professionals, your church community, and friends. Please start sharing today! Below are some suggestions, pre-made posts, images, links, and email copy for your convenience. 

#PathwaytoHealth is an opportunity for meaningful service within our communities. We hope that each #PathwaytoHealth event generates increased awareness, while opening necessary doors for future events. We also hope that our social media conversation engages residents and organizations in the cities in which we serve in ways that include as many people as possible. However, at the same time we wanted to create a space online for volunteers to share their testimonies and encourage each other spiritually. 

Please join our Facebook volunteer group to engage with other volunteers as well as receive important information and notices related to events.

Volunteers - #PathwaytoHealth:

What you can do to help!

  • Email Your Contacts – Let your personal contacts and church community know that you will be volunteering for Pathway to Health, and they can too. We suggest sending one email now that you’ve joined the team, and ask them to share. On the final page of this document, you’ll find some suggested email language to get you started.
  • Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to receive event updates & invite your friends to like our pages. 

  • Twitter – Tweet about your excitement and experience getting ready the event using #PathwaytoHealth  and tag us @YBPTHealth so we can re-tweet it and engage with you. Include a short URL (provided below) to our website.  You can also include our promo images. 
  • Facebook – Post updates on your wall about your excitement and experience getting ready for the event using #Pathwaytohealth and include the short URL (provided below) to our website. You can also include our promo image below.
  • Instagram  – Post our promo image with either our pre-made post or a post of your own using #PathwaytoHealth and the short URL (provided below) to our website. You can also tag us @YBPTHealth. 
  • Blog – Have you gone before? Share some extra insight about your past experience and why you are returning. If this is your time going, perhaps use your personal blog to share your expectations and the motivation behind your desire to serve God through this ministry. Please include a link to our website at the bottom for any of your readers who may want to learn more. You can then share a link to your blog post on your other social media channels using #PathwaytoHealth.  
  • Have another social media platform that you prefer to use? Feel free to modify any of the below samples for your use. 
  • Most importantly – Pray so that we are able to get the volunteers we need, and God’s name may be glorified through this ministry. 


Sample Tweets (feel free to alter for your voice):
Please remember to use
#PathwaytoHealth & tag us @YBPTHealth


Sample Facebook posts (feel free to alter for your voice): Please tag @Your Best Pathway to Heath

  • I’m headed to Beckley, WV for #PathwaytoHealth (Jul. 13-16), and you can join me. They still need medical VOLUNTEERS including: 30 dentists; 10 dental hygienists; 8 optometrists; WV licensed nurses; and 40 physicians: cardiologists, infectious disease specialists, radiologists, surgeons, GYN surgeons, physical therapists as well as other sub-specialists in medicine; patient assistance and transport; people willing to help out with food services, children's department leaders, hospitality, chaplaincy services. No registration fee, just your time and willingness to help. Discounted hotel rooms available. Learn more: (include image)

  • By God’s grace #PathwaytoHealth (July 13-16) hopes to see/treat 1,500 under-served people in need of almost every kind of medical, dental and eye care—all #FREE for the people done in the love of Christ. Please join me as they are still in need of medical volunteers. Learn more and volunteer: (include image)
  • 3 Days, 300 Volunteers, 1,500 patients (Jul. 13-16) in Beckley, WV – Feeling blessed to be a part of this unique ministry. Join me in God’s work by being a part of #PathwaytoHealth. More volunteers are needed, especially dentists, optometrists, WV licensed nurses, physicians, and more. Check it out: (include image)
  • Would you believe that #PathwaytoHealth has provided over $70 million dollars in FREE medical care to underserved communities?!?! I’m joining them to be a part of this amazing ministry in Beckley, WV (Jul. 13-16). They still need volunteers, especially dentists, optometrists, WV licensed nurses, physicians, and more. Here is the information:

(include image)


Sample Instagram post (feel free to alter for your voice):
I’m headed to #BeckleyWV for #PathwaytoHealth, and you can join me. They still need VOLUNTEERS, especially medical professions! @YBPTHealth (July 13-16) hopes to see/treat 1,500 under-served people in need of almost every kind of medical, dental and eye care—all #FREE for the people done in the love of #Christ.

No registration fee, just your time and willingness to help. Discounted hotel rooms available.

Learn more about how you can help:

#ASIministries #WV #WVA #compassion10m #hope #love #health #healthy #healing #compassion #newbeginnings #appalachia #appalachian #healthcare #medicine #wholecare #caring


Please include this link in all of your posts:

And here are some images you can use for not only Instagram, but also for Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to post your own as well with #PathwaytoHealth
(Facebook and Twitter posts that include images are more likely to get noticed in your newsfeed)


Sample Email Copy: (Feel free to alter for your voice)
Suggested subject line:  Join me for #PathwaytoHealth this July

Dear friends, 

As some of you may know, I will be helping out with Your Best Pathway to Health this coming July 13-16 at the Beckley-Raleigh County Convention Center in Beckley, WV! #PathywaytoHealth is a ministry that provides free medical, dental, and eye care to underserved people, along with lifestyle counseling and many other services—showing them the love of Jesus. I am blessed and excited to be a part of this unique opportunity to serve.   

For this event, the goal is to see/treat 1,500 underserved people in just three days. In order to reach this goal, #PathwaytoHealth needs 300 volunteers, and plenty of spaces are still available. All kinds of medical professionals are especially needed, including: 30 dentists; 10 dental hygienists; 8 optometrists; WV licensed nurses; 40 physicians including: cardiologists, infectious disease specialists, radiologists, surgeons, GYN surgeons, physical therapists as well as other sub-specialists in medicine; as well as patient assistance and transport.  Even if you don’t have any medical skills or training whatsoever (like me!) <Please include if you are a non-medical volunteer>, you can be a part of this too. People willing to help out with food services, children's department leaders, hospitality, chaplaincy services are also needed. It takes a lot of volunteers to process the patients, lead them through the clinic, counsel with them, pray with them, etc. Everyone is needed. 

So far over 20,000 people have received free medical care through Pathway to Health since 2014, and over $70 million dollars given in free healthcare!

Visit the website to learn more and watch the video of what happened at the Los Angeles Convention Center in April!

No registration fee, just your time and willingness to help is needed. Discounted hotel rooms are available.

Please consider joining me in Beckley to share this experience and serve God! 



P.S. If you can't volunteer in person, please consider making a donation. 1,500 people are needed to donate $100 each to provide for the needs of this community.  You may mail in a check to Pathway to Health, Attn: Adventist-Laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI), 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring MD 20904 or Donate here>> 

Please forward this link to anyone who may be interested in helping.