part 1 -Sisters in Skirts

Revival and Reformation

“A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work.”--Review and Herald, March 22, 1887. {ChS 41.4}

We love to talk about revival. It’s popular to pray for revival these days, to preach about it, to claim that we long for it. But reformation is not as popular.

“Reformation signifies a reorganization, a change in ideas and theories, habits and practices.” -- Review and Herald, Feb. 25, 1902. {ChS 42.2}

  This is a False Revival

“The tendency of the popular religious teaching of

the day is to make the Christian's pathway as easy

and attractive as possible.” {ST, March 30, 1888 par.1}

  • No separation from the fashions of the world

  • No thorough reformation of life and character

  • A lowering of the standard

It Ignores Dress Reform

The sum and substance of true religion is to own

and continually acknowledge by words, by dress, by

deportment, our relationship to God.”-- {HL 119.2}

“We are in great danger of looking upon sin as a small

matter, unworthy of notice. Sins of . . . pride in 

imitating the fashions of a doomed world, should not

be lightly regarded. . . .

“. . . Then how earnestly should we begin the work

of reformation.” {RH, June 3, 1880 par. 14}

   Do We Need Dress Reform?

According to the Spirit of Prophecy, a dress reform

was greatly needed in Ellen White’s day.

“My sisters, there is need of a dress reform 

among us.” {2SM 473.1}


“Will you not now take hold of this matter, and

seek to effect a reformation in dress and 

appearance?” {RY 71.2}

 But What About Today?

Can we safely follow the fashions of the world? Or should there

be a contrast between true Christians and the world?


“As a people who are preparing for the soon return of 

Christ, we should give to the world an example of modest

dress in contrast with the prevailing fashion of the day.” 

{CG 424.4}

“The dress reform is a striking contrast to the fashion of 

the world.” {2T 65.3}

     Today’s Worldly Fashions

Let’s look at some of the latest fashions, and see

if we can determine, just by using our own logic,

if God would approve of these fashions.

We may ask ourselves:

Are they modest, as in, do we think they cover enough skin?

Are they healthful—not constrictive or unhealthful in

any other way? (For example, no corsets or dragging in

the mud as in Ellen White’s day.)

Are they simple—free from extravagance and 


Haute Couture - High Fashion

These are some of the latest fashions from the

recent 2013 Paris Fashion Week.

Could we assume that these fashions 

        would be approved by God?

Modest? Healthful? Simple?

In these fashions, most of the skin is covered, so

some would consider them quite modest.

They look healthful, because they are very

comfortable and loose. They look simple, free

from superfluous trimming and decorations.

 Are these fashions acceptable?

   What about these?

What do we tell our youth?

These styles may not appeal to us, but some of

our young people may find them very appealing

as this trend becomes popular in society. Would

we have any guidance to give them as to whether

God would approve of these styles or not?

The problem with all these fashions you have just seen

is that they are created to be entirely GENDERLESS.

They are UNISEX fashions.

They can be worn by either male or female with absolutely no distinction between them. What does God think about unisex?




Some of the latest fashion trends are very confusing.

  Gender Blending Confusion

Unless we understand the history of how these fashions came about, and understand the principles of Christian dress, we will just accept them without question.

   Approved By Society!

It takes society a little while to grow accustomed 

to new fashion trends, but eventually they are

approved and adopted.

          Soon to be Approved!

What will we think when we see these fashions

on the street? 

What about in our churches?

    Major Changes in Fashion!

We can expect to see some major changes in 


There will be changes in other areas of

appearance as well.

   More Changes in Fashion!

Each new fashion eventually appears on the

members of our church.

If we have no inspired principles to guide us,

anything goes.

Do we really expect a revival of true godliness if 

we have no dress standards? 

What does God think about this?

The truth of the matter is, God calls certain fashions abominations. Do we understand the difference between an abomination and an approved fashion? Not unless we have been studying divine inspiration on this topic!



Shouldn’t we, as parents, teachers and leaders,

understand these matters clearly so we can guide

our youth through the confusing fashions that are



   Praying for Revival but not Reformation

Our prayers for revival are futile if we are

unwilling allow God to reform our habits and 


Ellen G. White wrote extensively on the need for

dress reform in the Seventh-day Adventist

Church. She defined four major principles of dress

reform that God wants His people to follow.



.Gender Distinction

. Healthfulness

In the fashions of her day, two of these principles

were widely violated.

The fashions were elaborate, expensive and 


And they were very unhealthful, even to the point

of endangering the life.

     Ever-changing fashion

In our day, fashions have changed drastically.

While there are still some violations of health

principles in dress, it is nothing like the problems

in Ellen White’s day.

And while extravagance and prideful display is still

a problem, it is nothing like the elaborate, 

expensive and time-consuming fashions she

spoke against.

 No dress reform needed?!!

Because there have been such great 

improvements in the simplicity and healthfulness

of the fashions of our day compared with her day,

many tend to think that we no longer need a 

dress reform.

However, it is the other two principles are widely 

violated today.

Today, the principles of modesty and gender

distinctiveness are the main reasons God is calling

for a dress reform among His people.

Modesty and Gender distinctiveness



    Womanly Modesty                 

We are going to focus on these two principles,

modesty and gender distinctiveness. In actuality,

they blend together so closely that it is difficult to

separate them.


Dressing with womanly modesty helps to make 

that plain distinction between the sexes that God

would have us manifest.

   Explicit Directions

God has given us explicit directions, so we may 

know just what pleases Him. (explicit=stated

clearly and in detail, leaving no room for 

confusion or doubt.)

God designed that there should be a plain distinction between the dress of men and women, and has considered the matter of sufficient importance to give explicit directions in regard to it; for the same dress worn by both sexes would cause confusion and great increase of crime. {CG 427.3}

    We need education!

Unless our clothing is in harmony with all four of these

principles, we will end up following the fashions of the


That is why there is a great need for education 

regarding the principles of dress reform, so we can be 

in harmony with all of God’s inspired counsel.

Our big problems is that most of us, as Seventh-day 

Adventist women, don’t give much thought to how

God feels about our clothing. We look around at our 

peers, especially the wives of our leaders, and if we

dress similar to them, we feel assured that we must be

doing O.K. We haven’t stopped to carefully consider

the inspired counsel God has entrusted to us regarding

our apparel.

Comparing Ourselves to Others

The influence of the world and of our fellow members 

is so strong, that it sweeps us along in a tide of

conformity. We are contented, comfortable, and don’t 

feel any need for change.

Dear sisters, beware! That’s the description of

Laodicea! But, God says she is wretched, miserable,

poor, blind and naked! And she doesn’t even know it!

Maybe she doesn’t want to know it!

“Self denial and self-sacrifice will mark the Christian’s 


Evidence that the taste is really converted will be seen

in the dress of all who walk the narrow path of 

holiness, the path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord

 to walk in.” {6MR 160.4}

She has a desperate need of repentance, of a heart change. Only then can she see her shameful immodesty.

Each one of us needs a revival of faith and love, so we can be clothed with the white raiment, and be anointed with the eye salve of spiritual discernment.

“When the church is converted, there will be a very great reformation in dress.” {PH157 14.2}

None of us, especially the women, are exempt from the need for a reformation in dress.

To ignore or neglect God’s counsel on dress is to reject it. This constitutes Satan’s last deception for the people of God.

“The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God.” {1SM 48}

Five years ago, I had very little understand of God’s principles of dress.

I simply looked at what my peers were wearing, and thought God must be pleased with all of us.

My example led them into further worldliness.

I am so thankful that God got my attention. He impressed it upon my heart that my dress was not pleasing to Him, and that I needed to change.

That was the beginning of a wonderful, yet sometimes difficult journey, as I discovered God’s idea of womanly modesty.

I am so thankful that God connected me with Sister Gwen Shorter, who provided encouragement and direction in my search.

Together we developed 3 websites that clarify the principles of dress through many different articles, by various authors.

But it was just one year ago that I really began to understand the seriousness of the impact of androgyny upon our church.

I began to see the meaning behind this quotation:

“Those who feel called out to join the movement in favor of woman's rights and the so-called dress reform might as well sever all connection with the third angel's message. “ {1T 421}

That led to the creation of the web site

Hi, I’m Heather.

I’d like to share my experience so you can understand why the topic of modest dressing means so much to me.

When my mom first started studying modesty about 4 years ago, I was going through major problems with my marriage. My husband and I, after three and a half difficult years of marriage, finally separated after he had a second affair.

I had some profound realizations during this time. I finally faced the fact that I was as guilty as he was, even though I had never had an affair.

I had used my appearance to boost my ego since I was a teenager and this habit of wanting attention didn’t change after I got married. I would purposefully pick out sexy clothes, even for church, so I’d be noticed. Subconsciously, I wanted women to admire me and though I woudn’t admit it, I wanted to catch the attention of men.

My husband liked to have me dress in sexy, revealing clothing. When he saw a guy checking me out, instead of feeling protective, he felt a sense of pride that I was his.

It gave him an excuse to check out and flirt with other women. But this habit of seeking attention from the opposite sex led us both into some major problems. My husband eventually had two affairs, and I had been tempted with thoughts of infidelity as well.

During our separation, God revealed to us what it was that we’d been doing wrong. Lust toward the opposite sex and pride of appearance had destroyed our trust in each other.

We had both been focusing on our outward appearances and participating in activities that fed our carnal nature, while ignoring the development of the inner qualities of a Christian character. With this realization slowly dawning on me, I began to consciously decrease the amount of time I spent artificially enhancing my appearance.

I focused more on developing the inner beauty that comes from knowing God. As I did this, my confidence became less tied up in my looks, and I became more comfortable wearing simple, modest clothes that didn’t draw attention to my external appearance. God was also working on my husband, making him into a godly, pure man who no longer checks out other woman, because he wants to be faithful to me in his thoughts as well as his actions.

We are now more in love than we’ve ever been, especially since we became parents for the first time almost two years ago. And now, we have another one on the way. So, this message has very personal meaning for me because immodesty, and the lust it encouraged, almost ruined my marriage. Embracing modesty has had a huge part in transforming my marriage.

I didn’t start practicing dress reform because I heard a sermon, or read a book. God simply taught me over the last couple years to submit my wardrobe choices to Him. With a willing heart, I was open to learning the things that my mom was discovering. Recently, we started studying together, finding the answers to some objections that kept arising.

There is a lot of controversy over the text Deuteronomy 22:5 which says “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.” So, we created several presentations that would take far too long to cover here. I will simply present a teaser that will hopefully perk your interest enough that you will want to view the whole thing.

How can we know what “pertaineth unto a man” and what is a “woman’s garment?” Do we just follow the distinctions in our culture?

Pants were once thought to be men’s wear.

Now most people would consider them appropriate for women.

Now, skirts and dresses, long considered to be women’s wear, are being considered to be appropriate for men’s wear by the latest fashion designers.

What happens when a culture deliberately removes distinctions? Androgynous fashion is becoming more common in our culture. Androgynous means “Partly male and partly female in appearance; of indeterminate sex.”

Clothing that is neither masculine nor feminine in appearance, because it has a blend of both features, is androgynous. The ideology that makes it a goal to blur the distinction between the sexes in appearance and behavior is called Androgyny.

Distinctions between male and female fashions have been disappearing gradually and imperceptibly. Today, androgynous fashion is going mainstream.

Is God’s command for men and women to wear gender- distinctive clothing relevant for us today?

Clothing plays an important role in being able to tell men and women apart in all circumstances. Identifying some people as male or female is becoming harder to do.

If we take the position that Deuteronomy 22:5 is not applicable and pertinent to us today, we leave the door wide open to whatever gender-blurring fashions come our way.

It is extremely important for us as Seventh-day Adventists in these last days to understand the principles regarding dress as found in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. We need to know what clothing is approved by God, and what He declares to be an abomination.

We are providing you with the results of many hours of research on this website. May God bless you as you study this matter out for yourself!