Beware of Angels

Beware of Angels  by Roger Morneau

  • the account of the Halstead family’s decent into larceny and murder.

 "Roger Morneau, a former occultist, who converted to SDA,  reveals tactics Satan used to entice members of a fourth-generation Seventh-day-Adventist's study group, into a downward spiral of heresy and crime. "Satan's angels had cleverly impersonated God's angels" eventually convincing Lynn Green and her group to do their every bidding.  At the start, the angels included some truth, but  over several years instructions became more ridiculous and unbelievable, as the deceived were blinded to the vanity and error of their deceptive messages.

They [evil angels]are highly intelligent and very crafty as per the video. Roger Morneau wrote a book called 'Beware of Angels' where he interviewed a couple of women who had murdered someone because angels told them too, literally. They had 'visitations' and were convinced they were a special hand picked group, but didn't test them and hence were badly deceived, even to the point of killing innocent people. 

 In the book "Beware of Angels", Roger Morneau tells the story of an Adventist prayer group who were deceived by fallen angels. Demons posing as beautiful angels from God deceived the group into committing vandalism, theft and murder. They even had a false Second Coming in which "Jesus'" feet did not touch the ground. This "proved" to the group that this was the real Jesus but convincing them to break the Ten Commandments did not. 
No interpretation of scripture is private and there is no private Second Coming to a favored group. They were seeking supernatural attention to feel more favored and they found it.

From the book, Beware of Angels by Roger Morneau

page 66 

“While Richard and Jodie Halstead were living withDavid Greene, Sr., they were introduced to a group of Seventh-day Adventists, who were meeting with a ms. Jean Ketzner in Canyonville, Oregon; the purpose of this group was o become more ‘in tune’ with God. In other words, the group sought to hear or see God or His angels. Jodi and Richard communicate to Sharon and her sister, Deborah, what they were learning in this group.  Both sisters expressed interest in what was being discussed and learned.

“In 1983 Sharon came to the belief that Lynn Green was able to receive the word of God either directly from God or through His angels. Sharon claimed that in 1983 Lynn Greene told her that God wanted Sharon and Deborah to move to the Grants Pass area...

“ In the same year, Sharon and Deborah came to the belief that Leo, Sharon’s younger son, could see and hear God, or His angels. In particular, Leo was able to hear and see an angel that was known as Naked Truth. This gift supposedly was confirmed by Lynn Greene, and by John Gentry, who in January 1985 became Sharon’s live-in boyfriend. Sometime between 1984 and 1988 leo lost this gift. However, Leo regained this gift by August of 1988....

page 67

“This belief about communicating with God and His angels and also obeying God and His angels became quite profound in Deborah and Sharon. Subsequent search warrants executed at their residence...found papers on which questions concerning all manner of items, including religion, and also questions about everyday activities. These questions had written answers that apparently had been received from God or His angels.

“What would occur is that the person who had the question would inquire of the person who had the gift, Leo or someone else, and then that person would inquire of God or His angels and repeat what God or the angel had to say. The response would be written down by the question, and the person would be expected to obey explicitly the response given.

“From September 1988 through November 1988 Leo claimed he had the ability to see if someone was ‘totaled’.

“Totaled means that a person has been overcome by evil spirits or demons. The spirit of that person would no longer exist. The body, now a shell, was filled with evil.

“Leo [ age 9 ] further claimed that to take items from a ‘totaled’ person was not stealing or otherwise wrong. Further, the taking from the adversary, i.e., the ‘totaled’ person, was simply reclaiming what the Lord intended for the righteous. The same principle applied to destroying property belonging to ‘totaled’ people.....Destroying a ‘totaled’ person was not viewed as being wrong because you were not destroying a human being.

page 73

Fascinated With New Light

The Halstead  sisters were victimized, taken advantage of, by demonic spirits, because satan is now removing restrictions that have held a vast number of his angels in check for more than 200 years. To understand the implication of this, we explore  further something that I alluded to previously. 

When during the late 1970s certain evangelical Christians became fascinated with what they referred to as “new light,” concepts that they felt had been withheld from Christians for too long, they started to press God for new knowledge and insights.

Other individuals became obsessed with the idea that the time was right to ask God to allow them to see and talk with angels that would instruct them in new and better ways of serving Him.

A desire for self-exaltation prompted many of these requests. It gave people an unconscious feeling of superiority and security to think that they could learn hidden things from a supernatural being. That they could have direct channels with God.  Proving the existence of Gd, knowing more than others do, can be as addictive as any drug. At the same time it opens the way for satan’s angels to appear to certain persons and claim to have come from heaven itself. Little by Little such false angels went about perverting the gospel of Christ....

pages 74-75

Voices From God

Some of the material that came to me through my church family told of individuals being instructed by angels about things that would enrich their Christian walk and help prepare people for the soon coming of Jesus. People accepted alleged revelations on new ways of understanding and pleasing God, especially when it came through children in their early teens or younger. Many individuals did not hesitate to accept the teachings as coming from God, concluding that it would be totally impossible for young children to have conceived such things in their own minds.

Over a period of 5+ years evil angels led a group of Christian believers from a thrilling experience of communication with heavenly beings and being ‘chosen’ to prepare for Jesus’ return to committing multiple murders.  

We are told in Daniel,The New Testament and  Great Controversy a terrible time of trouble is coming to God’s people and the people of the owrld will think they are doing God’s will by Killing those who have the faith of Jesus and keep His commandments. Could some of that ‘direction’ come from angels of darkness as happened in Oregon? 

Will God’s people be considered “totaled”?

Read the complete article about: Inspiration. How do you know if it’s true or false?

To watch an interview with Roger Morneau click here.