An Open Letter

From John Freeman:

For those who do not know me, let me introduce myself. I am John Freeman, a member in good and regular standing in the Hendersonville SDA Church in the Carolina Conference. I am 93 years of age, a life-long SDA and was the founder in 1969 of Maranatha Flights which is known as Maranatha International. I love my church, I believe in the Spirit of Prophecy, and I am convinced we are living in the very end of this world’s history.

With that in mind, I am compelled to express my mounting concern_for the wide acceptance being given to The One Project within the North American Division.

My concern for this organization is because it totally disregards E.G. White’s counsel to keep away from mysticism, - to avoid participation in programs of the “fallen Protestant” churches - as well as those of Papal Rome. A majority of the leadership of The One Project have been trained in the George Fox University, a seminary known for its teaching of spiritual formation based on the writings of “Desert Fathers” and the monastics of the Catholic Church. The very issues E.G.White has counseled against are being promoted by The One Project. The very statements our GC President used in his inaugural sermon regarding spiritual formation and seeking methods from other churches are disregarded.

Of equal concern is the recognition that **many of our church leaders, such as the NAD president Dan Jackson, and pastors of our large university campus churches such as Randy Roberts and Dwight Nelson, are aligning themselves in some way and to some degree with this movement.

The One Project now has 60 partners, many unions, conferences, hospitals, churches and colleges in NAD and possibly in other world divisions, although I do not know for sure about the other world divisions. This movement classifies their supporters as platinum, gold, silver, and bronze. It is cause for alarm that the Loma Linda University Campus Church, under the senior pastorship of Randy Roberts, is high in this ranking of supporters. And Pastor Roberts is the main speaker at our 2015 Carolina camp meeting at Junaluska. Another leader and board member is Sam Leonor who will be the main speaker all week for the young adults at Junaluska.

I found it sobering to see how the Old Testament indicts the leaders of Israel for leading the people of God back to idolatry and Baal worship. Is this the great apostasy scripture and Spirit of Prophecy warns against? Are we as a church willing to be part of the Emergent Church, coming from the Catholic Vatican II to evangelize the world, and to bring Protestants back home to Rome? Are we voicing approval and acceptance by teaching our youth, our seminarians, our Bible teachers and the people in the pew that the monastic monks of the Roman Catholic Church have truths that God has kept from His remnant people?

God's people are commanded to be watchmen on the walls of Zion, prepared to give the trumpet a certain sound, to give a warning against false shepherds, false doctrine, and false testimony. With that in mind, I am asking you to forward this email to the names in your address book that will benefit from this information, so the message will be circulated within our churches. 

Thank you. John Freeman