22-28 Lineage Episodes

Episode 22 | The Papal Bull & Martin Luther  

 Martin Luther was not left to live his life in peace but encountered repeated opposition and trial. The Church of Rome took the threat so seriously that a Papal Bull was produced but Luther was undaunted and publicly burned it under a tree in Wittenburg.

Episode 23 | Martin Luther & The Diet of Worms  

Despite his relatively young age and lack of experience, Martin Luther was not swayed by pressure or opinion. Standing before the Diet of Worms he refused to go against his conscience and said, ‘Here I stand, I can do no other. So help me God.’

Episode 24 | Martin Luther & Wartburg Castle  

Whilst on his way home from the Diet of Worms, Luther was 'captured' and taken to Wartburg Castle. This audacious plot executed by his friends saved Luther from his enemies and gave him a welcome respite from the challenges he faced. He wasn't to remain there long term though - his burden for his people was too great.

Episode 25 | Martin Luther: Protest of the Princes 

The name ‘Protestant’ dates back to a meeting in the town of Speyer, Germany and 8 Princes protested against the abuse of power and overreach of the authority of the church in their day. Men of principle, firm and resolute whose stand and values has been cherished by many since.

Episode 26 | John Calvin: Early Years In France

Though his greatest work would occur in Switzerland, John Calvin began his life near Paris. Despite his parents' wishes and his own original intentions, his life would take twists and turns before his conversion set his destiny on course.

Episode 27 | Placards and Protest In France

In their desire to see the Reformation advanced in France, some decisions were made that ultimately proved extremely costly. Instead of progress, the reformation lost its brightest minds to other countries at best and at worst to death and persecution.

Episode 28 | John Calvin: The Work in Geneva

Geneva would become almost a Protestant version of Rome. Many reformers would pass through this city in the 16th century from all over Europe which is why John Calvin is often referred to as the 'International Reformer' as his influence spread far and wide.