157 What’s UP? prof

What's Up? Prof 157

Walter Veith & Martin Smith

Episode 157 Notice - Will only be available on alternative platforms, see links in description below.

 Viruses, Bacteria, Pandemics, Is It All Real or Fake?

In Episode 157 we discuss recent statistics and data that shows alarming correlations. But why do the narrative stay the same, why do people like Dr. Anthony Fauci and governments not acknowledge the data? Could it be that there is an agenda at play?

March 30, 2023


Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2f8eq0-157-wup-walter-veith-and-martin-smith-viruses-bacteria-pandemics-is-it-all-.html 

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/COoKV51om9Eu