SHEPHERD’S  Call Distraction Delimma Series

Distraction Dilemma 1 - Overture: Our Personal Journey

In Seminar 1, Christian and Coby talk about their personal discoveries and struggles with music as well as look into some amazing research on water molecules, and take a test to see how well you know music yourself. 

 To find out more, and to purchase the full Distraction Dilemma series, visit…

Distraction Dilemma 2 - Opus: Identifying the Mind's Mark

In Seminar 2, we'll look into how the mind works, music's impact on it and what the Bible says about our amazing minds.

Distraction Dilemma 3 - Motive: Music Mechanics & Body Language

Did you know that in every piece of music that has ever been created, there is a motive and body language? It's very interesting.

Distraction Dilemma 4 - 1st Movement: Music History 450 AD-1969

In Seminar 4, we'll journey through 1,500 years of music history complete with many music samples! It's an audible music history that will open your eyes and ears like never before!

Distraction Dilemma 5 - 2nd Movement: Music History 1970-1990

In Seminar 5, we'll continue our journey through 20 more years of music history complete with many music samples and much more!

Distraction Dilemma 6 - 3rd Movement: Music History 1991-2011

In Seminar 6, we'll continue our journey through 20 more years of music history complete with many music samples and much more!

Distraction Dilemma 7 - Crescendo: Contemporary Christian Music 1

Distraction Dilemma 8 - Crescendo: Contemporary Christian Music 2

In Seminars 7 & 8 we take a deep look into the Contemporary Christian Music movement and we use the Bible as our guide to determine what is acceptable and what is not, for the informed Christian.

Distraction Dilemma 9 - Serenade: Music in Worship

In seminar 9 we look at the worship service specifically and what is going on in the Christian world regarding worship.

Distraction Dilemma 10 - The 4 Cs of Christianity

Last but not least, we tie it all together with a fundamental message about connecting with God and we offer a powerful way to renew your walk with God and draw closer to Him than ever before!

To find out more, and to purchase the full Distraction Dilemma series, visit