Rekindling the Reformation

There are two pillars of the Reformation. The first is well known: Sola Gracia, Sola Christos, Sola Scriptura--Grace alone, Christ alone, the Bible alone. But few know the other pillar of the Reformation--the identity of the Antichrist. The reformers are unanimous on the identity of this power…

931 - The Twin Pillars Of The Reformation

By Martin Luther’s day, the Catholic Church was ruling the known world of Europe. It was dictating policy to kings and queens. Luther opposed the Church’s blatant misrepresentation of Christ and the Scriptures. The history of the Church was one of persecution of Christians who believed that...

932 - Let There Be Light

God’s laws are not to be tampered with, but one by one the Ten Commandments are being attacked and made void. Every precept of God has been marginalized and reduced. They are being wiped out of our constitutions and international laws. In this DVD, you will learn alarming news about the new...

933 - They Have Made Void Thy Law Part I

Presented are the issue of sustainable development and the fascinating history of England?s crown and its forfeiture to a religious power. You will learn how it came about that England and its vassals now belong to Rome and how an agenda of worldwide control is being foisted on Earth?s...

934 - The Beamable Sustainable Princes

In this DVD, we discover that the international community has been coerced into rewriting God’s laws and that it has become forbidden to practice God’s laws, to pray in Jesus’ name, to worship God on His Sabbath, and even to raise Jesus up as the Son of God. According to law, Jesus must be...

935 - They Have Made Void Thy Law Part II

New equity laws that restrict religious liberty are shown to be rampantly manifest in religious and political circles. Explore the many inroads that the one-world religious movement has made in religious thought and society. If you thought there were differences between religions, think…

936 - The Fourth Man in the Furnace

Tradition holds that those who are born of the sons of Abraham can receive salvation by this merit alone. There are many people who claim to be from the tribes of Israel. This DVD examines this belief in light of Scripture. What was the purpose of Israel? Does salvation come through the Jewish…

937 - Heritage Of Israel

For the remaining presentations of Rekindling The Reformation contact us for the links - they are free.