The Sinister Agenda

 behind Covid-19

The entire world is confused, helpless, and living in fear over the past month, as the hype over the Covid-19 virus mounts. Why is this happening? And, most importantly, WHO BENEFITS? As the author explained in a previous article, this was an engineered virus, used as a bio-weapon, for geopolitical advantage. 

 Every day the world’s mainstream news reports more people in more countries diagnosed “positive” for the coronavirus illness, now called COVID-19. As the reported numbers grow, so does widespread nervousness, often in the form of panic shopping for masks, disinfections, toilet paper and canned goods. We are told to accept the testing results as science-based. While it is next to impossible to get a full picture of what is taking place in China, the center of the novel virus storm, there is a process, being fed by mainstream media accounts and genuine panic in populations unclear what the real dangers are, that has alarming implications for the post-pandemic future. What is being done in city after city and country after country is cancellation of major events where many people come together. This has included major sports events and trade shows being canceled. Major airlines are being financially devastated as people around the world cancel holiday flights, as are cruise ship lines. China orders burning of cash notes claiming they might be contaminated. Many firms are not accepting cash, only cards, as paper might be contaminated. WHO warns about paper money contagion risk. Countries are introducing laws such as in the UK allowing legal detention of citizens who might have a virus. Growing media promotion in the West of shop shelves bare of everyday essentials such as rice, pasta and toilet paper is feeding panic buying everywhere. 

Eugenics & the Rockefellers 

 Let’s deal with certain facts. The Rockefeller family has been in the forefront of eugenics-the science of population control, since 1902.  In 1952, David Rockefeller’s eldest brother John established the Population Council. In the subsequent decades, the eugenics program developed, tested, and implemented various bio-warfare tools, as a means of controlling population growth. Since then, efforts at creating the necessary infrastructure, research bodies, lab testing and experimentations, have proceeded till the present day. Documentation has proved that biological warfare is a reality, and that the United States is in the forefront of this. Although other nations have the capability, to some degree, none is as advanced as the US is, in this field. 

The Rockefeller Family first entered the oil business, in 1865, when it was only 6 years old. No other family knows the oil industry like them; in fact, they know it cold.

 Crude oil is processed in a refinery, and some of that is used as a basic feedstock in petro-chemical plants. These petro-chemical plants produce a variety of products, some of which are used as feedstock in chemical plants. These chemical plants, in turn produce a variety of products, and some of them are used as a basic feedstock to produce pharmaceuticals. So, in short, the family controls the global oil industry, as well as the largest chemical and pharma companies. There is nothing wasted in any of these processes. The first insecticide was FLIT, invented  in 1923, and mainly intended for killing flies and mosquitoes, was mineral oil based and manufactured by the Standard Oil, now known as Exxon – a Rockefeller company. Since then, many other chemical/oil based products have been made into medicines, and other chemicals that are harmful to human health. 

By the end of 1945, the dominant force in America was the 5 Rockefeller brothers. Their mandate was to take control of the entire globe, and to eliminate any rivals on its quest for global dominance.

 Even Adolf Hitler’s extermination policies against Jews and other minorities, was funded by the Rockefeller family. Starting in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the first fruits of their research yielded the AIDS virus, which devastated many Third World nations. This was followed by more exotic viruses such as SARS, MERS 2000, Ebola, the Avian flu, etc.

Regarding the Covid 19 virus, the authors are the same. And the targets are all economic and geopolitical rivals of the US. China and Iran we understand. Italy was because of its tie-up with China’s BRI program [Belt and Road Initiative]. The Italians refused to back out of this deal with China, hence it was targeted. In Iran’s case, we find a strange phenomenon, in that senior government and parliamentary officials have been targeted.

 In the last 15 years, China was seen as an emerging rival to the US, and its controllers-the Rockefeller family. China underwent several acts of economic and financial warfare from the US. In recent trade negotiations, in order to make China kneel fast, the family launched the Covid 19 virus on China. Then Iran and Italy suffered the same fate.

 The UN is a Rockefeller entity. The WHO is a part of the UN apparatus, and we find that WHO was very quick to issue a pandemic alert, when there is zero proof of it. The common flu has claimed more lives in the past two months than the Covid 19 virus. So, we find that these power brokers are playing a dangerous game here. In 2003, media spread fear-mongering about a SARS pandemic proved way overblown, 800 deaths reported after hysteria subsided. In the same year, 42,643 people in the US were killed in 6,328,000 police-reported motor vehicle accidents, 2,889,000 people injured.

In 2009, the WHO falsely predicted a global Swine flu H1N1 pandemic that could affect “as many as two billion people over the next two years.” At the time, evidence suggested that the H1N1 strain was bio engineered in a US laboratory, vaccines produced for it extremely hazardous and potentially lethal. No national or global emergency existed. No pandemic or epidemic occurred. The CDC estimated that from 8,330 to 17,160 deaths resulted from the strain.

Fear-mongering at the time aimed to convince people to take experimental, untested, toxic and extremely dangerous vaccines that can damage the human immune system and cause health problems ranging from annoying to life-threatening. A similar scenario is in play today. 

The US had an active biological warfare program since at least the 1940s. In 1941, it implemented a secret program to develop offensive and allegedly defensive bioweapons using controversial testing methods. During WWII, the US Chemical Warfare Services began mustard gas experiments on about 4,000 servicemen.

In 1945, the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) implemented “Program F.” It was the most extensive US study of the health effects of fluoride – a key chemical component in atomic bomb production. It’s one of the most toxic chemicals known, risking harm to the central nervous system. Yet low concentration amounts are in drinking water and toothpaste, little or nothing reported officially or by establishment media on its toxicity.

Since at least the 1940s, VA patients were guinea pigs for medical experiments.

The Pentagon earlier released biological agents in US cities to learn the effects of germ warfare in populated areas, tests done secretly. In 1953, the CIA initiated Project MKULTRA – a multi-year research program to test drugs and biological agents for mind control and behavior modification, unwitting human subjects used. From the 1960s at least through the 1980s, the US used biological agents against Cuba. During the Vietnam War, the Pentagon’s use of hugely toxic Agent Orange and sarin nerve gas killed, disabled, or caused chronic illnesses for millions, mainly civilians.

In all US wars, radiological, chemical, biological and other banned weapons are used, inflicting a devastating toll on people in targeted areas.

Is the coronavirus a bioweapon? The answer is YES! Most likely, it’ll be contained in the weeks ahead, reported numbers of individuals infected falling, not rising. When all is said and done, ongoing fear-mongering will likely prove to be a bonanza for Big Pharma. As for the coronavirus, it may end up a footnote in medical history — thousands affected in China, not millions, mainly in and around Wuhan, small numbers elsewhere.

The Rockefeller Foundation 2010 Report 

But, what has emerged recently is quite sinister. The reaction by western governments on this virus issue has been closely following the guidelines as per the 2010 report. Here it is useful to go back to a highly relevant report published a decade ago by the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the world’s leading backers of eugenics, and creators of GMO among other things.

The report in question has the bland title, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.” It was published in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. The report contains various futurist scenarios developed by Schwartz and company.

One scenario carries the intriguing title, “LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” Here it gets interesting as in what some term predictive programming.

The Schwartz scenario states,

“In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months…”

He continues,

“The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.” This sounds eerily familiar.

Then the scenario gets very interesting:

“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”

A relevant question is whether the Rockefeller Empire , are  using the widespread fears around the COVID-19 to advance an agenda of “lock step” top down social control, one that would include stark limits on travel, perhaps replacing of cash by “sanitary” electronic cash, mandatory vaccination even though the long term side effects are not proven safe, unlimited surveillance and the curtailing of personal freedoms such as political protests on the excuse it will allow “identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated,” and countless other restrictions.

 In addition, many countries have shut down schools and universities, thus increasing the uncertainties, and spreading even more fear amongst the populations of these countries.

Much of the Rockefeller 2010 scenario is already evident. Fear is never a good guide to sound reason. Many people would gladly surrender some of their liberties, in exchange for peace and stability. This is what the game-plan is all about. How much liberty will people give up? 

 Too much hype and limited facts; the conclusion is that there is 99% fear, and 1% facts. The main stream media are scant with information.

 We will wait and see what the Rockefeller network of power and its controlled governments are going to unravel next, in terms of gaining more control over people. A number of such incidents, financial crashes, economic upheavals, wars, etc., all have a single purpose in mind – the establishment of a one world government, dominated and controlled by Rockefeller men and money.

The worldwide fear of a hitherto unknown but supposedly highly contagious and weapons-grade virus means that many people feel paralyzed ,  public life in several states is crippled by governments, at the same time fundamental civil liberties are “honed” or severely restricted and also the military is brought into readiness. What is going on here?

 The guidelines that are being enacted globally are following closely the script laid down in the 2010 Rockefeller report. As noted, France and Italy have now progressed to the next level, called LOCK DOWN; wherein the governments are enforcing a stay-at-home policy. This is being backed up by using police and the army. This LOCK DOWN step will be implemented in many other countries. What is happening now was inconceivable two months ago.

The former Soviet head of state Mikhail Gorbachev recently described the current political situation as extremely worrying. According to “Sputnik News” of 12.03.20 he wrote“War is in the air.”

A further report from 9 March makes one sit up and take notice: Two months before the outbreak of the coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a group of experts (on the payroll of the Rockefeller Group, such as Bill Gates and Johnson & Johnson) conducted the pandemic simulation “Event 201”, which was organized by John Hopkins University in the US and came to alarming results. The aim was to test how governments and authorities would behave in the event of a global pandemic with “potentially catastrophic consequences” and what effects it could have.  

Has the ruling “elite” agreed to conduct a long-planned laboratory experiment with the civil society of the countries worldwide at the beginning of 2020? Which states and institutions are responsible for participating in this “sinister coup”? What role do the superpowers China, USA and Russia play?

 What is the role of the United Nations (UN), which has long had the NWO in mind? And what role in this dirty “game” has been assigned to the by no means independent World Health Organization (WHO)? Do we want to “drag” the current political system, seize power in the world and distract some of the world’s citizens from this geopolitical event? What is their aim?

During the height of the COVID-19 epidemic China’s production apparatus for everything was almost shut-down. For deliveries that were still made, merchandise vessels were regularly and categorically turned back from many harbors all around the world. So, the west has tricked itself into a shortage-of-everything mode by waging a de facto “economic war” on China. How long will it last? – Nobody knows, but China’s economy which was down by about half, has rapidly recovered to above 80% of what it was before the coronavirus hit. How long will it last to catch up with the backlog?

What is behind it all? – A total crackdown with artificially induced panic to the point where people are screaming “help, give us vaccinations, display police and military for our security” – or even if the public despair doesn’t go that far, it would be easy for the EU and US authorities to impose a military stage of siege for “health protection of the people”. In fact, CDC (Center for Disease Control in Atlanta), has already designed harshly dictatorial directives for a “health emergency”.

Questions upon questions, to which we citizens and current “guinea pigs” demand an answer, in order to know what form of government or dictatorship is coming up in the near future and how we can react to it and how we have to arrange our lives.

The word ‘pandemic’ bears a similarity to the word ‘panic’ and indeed ‘pandemonium’. In fact ‘pandemic’ evokes an almost instant flush of fear in those easily manipulated by mass media, before any details have even touched the surface or context in which the word is being used. 

Those who plan the major moves on the chess-board of covert human control know that by leading with the word ‘pandemic’ they have an instantly effective weapon at their disposal to psychologically weaken the resistance of individuals vulnerable to irrational and impressionistic mind sets.

So, in a world heavily conditioned by the proclamations of the mass media, the fear weapon has a huge psychological power. In the battle now raging for ‘who controls the world’, some of the largely hidden or disguised controlling agents of global power – are now appearing on the surface. And that’s why chaos and fear are very much ‘flavour of the month’.

However, what has become all too clear is the fact that large numbers of people are being herded – and are not resisting. The scare tactics being employed are more dangerous than the virus that is the excuse for deploying them. Under this induced state of psychosis all manner of tricks can be perpetrated on mankind – and that is precisely what we are witnessing at this time.

Instead, it can be seen for what it is; a planned manipulation of the people and resources of this planet, whose main goading-tool consists of the well-rehearsed art of spreading fear and panic.  And this, in turn, to undermine the rational and common sense based gift which we have all been blessed with from birth, and which – when in good order – can clearly see through the facade and hold the line of reason and truth.

Many have seen this ‘order out of chaos’ drama coming for years. The chaos bit is with us right now and very visible. The ‘order’ is to follow and consists in the emergence of a peace maker – or peace plan.  Thus allowing for a little holiday period in which the weak kneed can rejoice at their survival and bless the emergence of the ‘new order’, under the authority of no matter who or what, so long as they can believe that the world has been saved from anarchy and ruin.

Every one of us whose knees have not turned to jelly and whose brains have not turned to mind controlled pulp, must take this moment to declare ourselves, boldly and resolutely with these four words “We do not consent”.

Along with forced vaccination, who knows what would be contained in the cocktail of ‘’mini-diseases” injected, and what their long-term effects might be. Similar to those of GMOs, where all sorts of germs could be inserted without us, the commons, knowing?

We may indeed be just at the beginning of the implementation of ID2020 – which includes, forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everybody – on the way to One World Order – and global financial hegemony – Full Spectrum Dominance. 

After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same).

If indeed force-vaccination will happen, another bonanza for Big Pharma, people really don’t know what type of cocktail will be put into the vaccine, maybe a slow killer, that acts-up only in a few years – or a disease that hits only the next generation – or a brain debilitating agent, or a gene that renders women infertile …. all is possible – always with the aim of full population control and population reduction. In a few years’ time, one doesn’t know, of course, where the disease comes from. That’s the level of technology our bio-war labs have reached (US, UK, Israel, Canada, Australia…).

Another hypothesis, at this point only a hypothesis, but a realistic one, is that along with the vaccination – if not with this one, then possibly with a later one, a Nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park.

It’s not for nothing that Dr. Tedros, DG of WHO, said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus. Was this a precursor for things to come? – Or for things already here? – In many Scandinavian countries cash is largely banned and even a bar of chocolate can be paid only electronically.

Agenda ID2020

We are moving towards a totalitarian state of the world. This is part of Agenda ID2020 – and these steps to be implemented now – prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the WEF [World Economic Forum] and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.

The ID2020 Alliance at their 2019 Summit, entitled “Rising to the Good ID Challenge”, in September 2019 in New York, decided to roll out their program in 2020, a decision confirmed by the WEF in January 2020 in Davos. Their digital identity program will be tested with the government of Bangladesh. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and “partners from academia and humanitarian relief” (as they call it), are part of the pioneer party.

Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?

This pandemic is rapidly becoming an international nightmare, and it appears that our freedoms are about to be restricted in ways that most of us never thought possible. Spain, Italy, and France have already entered the “LOCK DOWN” stage. How many other nations will follow? America and the world are on the verge of being locked down, and for many of us it truly will feel like we have been put in prison.

 The answer to the question “WHO BENEFITS?” points to one family in the world – the Rockefeller family. They have the means, know-how, and the intent. Also, the Rockefeller Empire is running out of time; they have to work fast, and implement their “Fortress America “game-plan, before their economic and geopolitical rivals get too strong.

 Please read the soon to be published article, called “How the Rockefellers Trumped the World”, in order to understand the last paragraph better. We do, indeed, live in interesting times.

Post Lockdown 

The Rockefeller Game Plan Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)


The “Farce” of the Economic Reopening

How does one define an economic “reopening”? I think most people would say that a reopening means that everything goes back to the way it was before the crisis; or at least as close as possible.  Most people would also say that a reopening is something that will last.  Simply declaring “America has reopened” while keeping many restrictions in place in certain parts of the country is a bit of a farce.  And, reopening with the intention of implementing lockdowns again in a matter of weeks without explaining the situation to the public is a scam of the highest order. This is the case in many US states and cities, while rural areas are mostly open. This is being called a “partial reopening”, but is there a purpose behind this. The restrictions will continue in major US population centers while rural areas have mostly opened with much fanfare. The end result of this will be a flood of city dwellers into rural towns looking for relief from stricter lockdown conditions. In about a month, we should expect new viral clusters in places where there was limited transmission.  State governments and the Federal government will be talking about new lockdowns, using the predictable infection spike as an excuse.

This is happening in Northeast China right now – a resurgence has occurred and 100 million people are now subject to quarantine restrictions. China’s reopening is barely two weeks old, and concerns of infection “flare ups” were widespread when the announcement was made. Now the mainstream media seems to be confused; is China open, or locked down? Of course, we may never know how bad the problem is and was in China as their numbers have been shown to be utterly rigged and suppressed from the beginning, but the point is that the phrase “reopening” is meaningless there, just as it will be meaningless here in the US.

This is part of the plan. The farce of reopenings does indeed have a purpose. The globalists are clearly the only beneficiaries of this event; with a world-wide surveillance state now openly on the table along with an accelerated shift into digital currency systems, the globalists are taking advantage of this crisis to push their agenda, as they ENGINEERED the virus and caused the crisis to push their agenda.

In white papers published by globalists at the Imperial College of London as well as MIT, the plan is openly admitted. They suggest using “waves” of economic openings and then lockdowns to control the spread of the virus. The timelines seem to vary, but in general the models call for a one month open, two months closed cycle. The goal is to deliberately increase infections every couple of months in specific regions of a country, then declare economic shutdown and quarantine measures once the spread reaches a certain level; this is meant to continue until a vaccine is developed, which could take years.

When the globalists at MIT say “We are not going back to normal”; this is what they mean. Right now, the general public (at least in some parts of the country) is cheering the reopenings, but what they don’t realize is that the reopenings are an illusion. Restrictions are going to remain in place in many states and cities, while they will be lifted and then re-instituted in others. In fact the situation is going to become much worse over time, by design.

The next lockdown, whenever it is announced, will be absolutely devastating to the US and other economies, which is already in a downward spiral. The mitigating factors will be how effective central bank stimulus is at stalling the freefall (not very effective so far).  Other factors include the percentage of small businesses that survive the first lockdown and how many jobs those businesses can bring back to the economy. The first lockdown may be survivable for a large percentage of people and businesses; the second lockdown will financially destroy all but the most prepared.And make no mistake; there WILL be many more lockdowns over the next couple years.

In the meantime, international banks like Wells Fargo and JP Morgan have seen to it that small businesses are hit hard by the crisis by funneling bailout money and paycheck loans to their larger clients over the smaller businesses that the money was intended to go to. Of the 300,000 clients of JP Morgan that applied for an emergency loan through the government bailout program, only 18,000 actually received one and many of these clients were NOT small businesses.

If the cycle of lockdowns continues, small businesses will be wiped off the map. The elites have rigged the economic game; they control where every dollar of the bailout money goes, and many of their corporations are the only institutions that are equipped to survive the onslaught. Some of these companies will go down, but in the long run the goal, in my view, is total centralization of production and distribution.

This is exactly what happened during the Great Depression when JP Morgan and other major banks devoured thousands of small local banks across the country and removed them as competitors from the system. After the depression, banking was completely centralized into the hands of a select few mega-companies. Today, they are attempting to erase all localized small business competition to international corporations.

Taking over the business infrastructure of entire nations and removing all independent competition is only one incentive for the lockdowns to continue. There is also the process of acclimating the public to the idea that lockdowns are the “new normal”. While I do see resistance in certain parts of the world, including the US, many countries in Asia, Africa and Europe have witnessed a rather sheepish response to the idea of medical tyranny. I also see an immense wildfire of unconstitutional legislation and illegal state measures being rolled out in the US and in many other countries while the public is distracted by financial circumstances and the virus threat.

Certainly, it appears that most people hate the lockdowns. But will they be fooled by the “reopening” into complacency for the next several weeks while the government gets ready to hit them with the next round of restrictions? Will they be so caught off guard they won’t know how to react? Imagine the economic devastation of just one more nationwide lockdown event? It will be carnage, and a lot of hope within the population will be lost.

This will lead to two possible paths: submission, or rebellion. Either the majority of the American people will accept the lockdowns as a new fact of everyday life, or they will become so enraged by the destruction of their economy that they will revolt.

If the intent is to keep the cycle going until a vaccine is introduced as elitist publications assert, then we have a LONG way to go and this first lockdown was child’s play compared to what comes next.

The excuse for the wave model will be that they need to control and slow the spread of infection over time to avoid overwhelming our medical infrastructure. But this makes very little sense to me at this stage. Perhaps within the first month or two of the pandemic this was somewhat logical, so that we could gauge the threat of the virus. Frankly, there’s no logic to the wave model unless the agenda is to destroy the economy. If the goal is to continue infecting the population until everyone has developed an immunity or a vaccine is offered, then why not simply remove all the lockdowns permanently and get it over with now? This would result in far less deaths in the long run compared to economic collapse. If the goal is so-called “herd immunity”, then we can achieve that much faster through viral transmission than waiting years for a vaccine that may or may not work.

But the elites don’t care about “herd immunity”; what they care about is control. The vaccine narrative itself is a form of control. You have to wait for the establishment to save you. You have to wait for them to allow the economy to be opened, even for a short period of time, so that you can then be allowed to work or run your business. You have to wait for permission to live your normal life. And, if the elites get their way, you won’t be given permission until you accept immunity passports, tracking apps and a vaccine.

The underlying message that the public is hearing daily is that you no longer have the power to make decisions for yourself, you must wait for instructions. While the coronavirus is something that should be taken seriously (to a point), the wave model is not an acceptable solution to the problem.

Do not be fooled by the reopening. It is not real because it is not meant to last. It is a steam valve to calm public outrage and to condition us to periodic tyranny. The elites believe that we will eventually acclimate to lockdowns as long as we have a reopening to look forward to a couple months down the road. They believe that our tendency to rebel will be suppressed by false hopes that the next reopening will be a permanent reopening. They believe that after 18 months or more of the wave model we will be so desperate for normalcy that we will do anything to get it, including willingly giving up every last ounce of freedom we have left. This is the true purpose of the pandemic.

Initially, we were told that the coronavirus lockdowns would just “temporarily” disrupt the U.S. economy, but now it is becoming clear that a lot of the damage will be permanent. 

We are starting to see businesses go belly up all over the country, and this includes some of the most iconic names in the retail world.  

If this pandemic had passed quickly, perhaps those stores wouldn’t have needed to be shut down.  But at this point it has become obvious that this virus is going to be with us for a long time to come. 

Of course it isn’t just retailers that are collapsing.  Car rental giant Hertz “is on the verge of bankruptcy”, and things are not looking good at all…

Hertz is on the verge of bankruptcy. At the end of April, it disclosed it had missed a large amount of lease payments on its rental cars- some 506,000 cars! Since then, it has entered into forbearance and waiver agreements with these lenders that give it until May 22 to come up with the money and a plan. Its cars, now parked at various parking lots around the country, are collateral for this debt. The prices it is fetching for these cars on auction are at rock-bottom prices.

I seriously doubt that Hertz will be able to survive much longer in this very harsh economic environment.

Needless to say, a lot of businesses are going to die in the weeks and months ahead of us,  it is now being projected that approximately one out of every four restaurants in the United States will be closing down permanently.

Can you imagine what this is going to look like?

We are going to have abandoned buildings all over the place, and this will especially be true in our more impoverished communities.

The only chance we have of pulling out of this economic death spiral is if there is a full scale return to normal economic activity all across America, but that isn’t going to happen any time soon.

Fear of COVID-19 is going to paralyze small and big businesses alike for the foreseeable future, and every new outbreak is going to spark more overreactions.

If we keep shutting things down every time someone gets sick, our economic problems are just going to get worse and worse.

And fear of this virus will paralyze our economy for the foreseeable future.

So the truth is that the “for lease” and “space available” signs that you are now seeing are just the start. A lot more are coming and it is going to be a very dark chapter for our nation.

Global Capitalism and “The Economic Landscape”

The crisis redefines the structure of the global economic landscape. It destabilizes small and medium sized enterprises Worldwide; it precipitates entire sectors of the global economy including air travel, tourism, retail trade, manufacturing, etc. into bankruptcy.  The lockdown creates famine in developing countries. It has geopolitical implications.

The Pentagon and US intelligence are involved. The corona crisis affects conduct of US-NATO led wars in the Middle East including Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen. It is also used to target specific countries including Iran and Venezuela.

This engineered crisis is unprecedented in world history. It is an act of war.

The lockdown triggers a process of disengagement of human and material resources from the productive process. The real economy is brought to a standstill. Curtailing economic activity undermines the “reproduction of real life”. This not only pertains to the actual production of the “necessities of life” (food, health, education, and housing) it also pertains to the “reproduction” of social relations, political institutions, culture, and national identity. At the time of writing, the lockdown is not only triggering an economic crisis, it is also undermining and destroying the very fabric of civil society not to mention the nature of government and the institutions of the state (crippled by mounting debts), which will eventually be privatized under the supervision of Big Money creditors.

There are conflicts within the capitalist system which are rarely addressed by the mainstream media. Billionaires, powerful banking and financial institutions (which are creditors of both governments and corporations) are waging an undeclared war against the real economy. Whereas the Big Money financial and banking establishments are “creditors”, the corporate entities of the real economy which are being destabilized and driven into bankruptcy are “debtors”.

This diabolical process is not limited to wiping out small and medium sized enterprises. Big Money is also the creditor of large corporations (including airlines, hotel chains, hi tech labs, retailers, import-export firms, etc.) which are now on the verge of bankruptcy.

The global financial establishment is not monolithic. It is marked by divisions and rivalry. The dominant Big Money faction seeks to destabilize its competitors from within. The results of which would be a string of bankruptcies of regional and national banking institutions as well as a process of global financial consolidation.

In the US, numerous retailers, airlines, restaurant and hotel chains filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February. But this is just the beginning. The big gush of bankruptcies will occur in the wake of the lockdown (“The New Normal”). And at the time of writing, the financial establishment is relentlessly pressuring (corrupt) national governments to postpone the lifting of the lockdown. And the governments are telling us that this is to “protect people against the virus”.

Canada’s province of Alberta which is largely dependent on oil revenues is bankrupt.

“Countries that represent over 50 per cent of the world’s global GDP are closed for business. Economists looking for historical comparisons mention the 1929 stock crash, the 1974 economic crisis or the 2008 recession. But they admit that these all fall short of the toll that this pandemic could have.

The coronavirus crisis “has ground business to a halt”. National economies are destabilized. The objective of Big Money is to weaken their competitors, “pick up the pieces” and eventually buy out or eliminate bankrupt corporations. And there are many to choose from.

Economic activity across the country has collapsed, GDP is shrinking at the fastest pace on record, and the economic data is worse than ever in history. Every sector of the economy is contracting and every economic indicator is pointing down.

“Permanent job losses are likely to be a feature of the eventual recovery; 42% of recently unemployed workers will not return to their jobs amid the “profound” shock stemming from coronavirus lockdowns.

The pandemic has taken a brutal toll on the world’s largest economy, with at least 40 million people thrown out of work over the last two months….the lockdowns have cratered activity in an economy that consists of 70% consumer spending, while undoing all of the jobs created since the great recession ended….

Most people have yet to grasp the magnitude of the devastation caused by the lockdown but, soon, it will be the only topic of conversation. Most people left their jobs thinking they would return to them in a matter of weeks. They never imagined that a policy blunder would put the economy into a vicious death spiral that would terminate their livelihoods, dampen their prospects for the future, and reduce them to hopelessness and destitution. They never thought that such a nightmare was possible, especially since they were just following the orders of their governors and the affable Dr Fauci. They trusted these people. They put their lives in their hands and they were misled, duped into believing that these “experts” knew what they were doing when, all-along, they were making it up on the fly. Now we’re all going to pay for the mistakes for which they alone are responsible. So the lockdown is a “mass casualty incident”?

 “Retail landlords are sending out thousands of default notices to tenants, a situation that could tip already-ailing retailers into bankruptcy or total collapse….Department stores, restaurants, apparel merchants and specialty chains have been getting the notices as property owners who’ve gone unpaid for as long as three months lose patience, according to people with knowledge of the matter and court filings.

…“The default letters from landlords are flying out the door,” said Andy Graiser, co-president of A&G Real Estate Partners, whose firm works with retailers and other commercial tenants. “It’s creating a real fear in the market place.

More bad news; the lockdowns have triggered a tsunami of defaults and bankruptcies. With no source of revenue, merchants cannot pay the rent nor can landlords roll over their debts. The economy is an interlocking row of dominoes that tumble in sequence once the first block is set in motion. The American people were sold the idea that the economy could be turned “on and off” like a light switch. Now they can see that the theory has no basis in reality. As the bankruptcies pile up, the job losses will continue to increase pushing the country deeper into recession.

“…. former Google CEO Eric Schmidt wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that both set the new tone and made clear that Silicon Valley had every intention of leveraging the crisis for a permanent transformation….

” Schmidt called for “unprecedented partnerships between government and industry…

At the heart of this vision is seamless integration of government with a handful of Silicon Valley giants — with public schools, hospitals, doctor’s offices, police, and military all outsourcing (at a high cost) many of their core functions to private tech companies….

If tech companies win their ferocious lobbying campaign for remote learning, telehealth, 5G, and driverless vehicles — their Screen New Deal — there simply won’t be any money left over for urgent public priorities.

For them, and many others in Silicon Valley, the pandemic is a golden opportunity to receive not just the gratitude, but the deference and power that they feel has been unjustly denied.

Can you see what’s going on?

The fact that tens of thousands of people are dying and the nation’s economy has been reduced to rubble doesn’t matter to the tech giants. For them the crisis is a “golden opportunity”, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to further subsume the government, to garner more government funding for their futuristic projects, to assert greater influence over public policy, and to wrap their tentacles more tightly around the levers of state power.

The tech giants are using the pandemic as a vehicle for imposing their own vision on the country and for promoting their own malign police state agenda. Just as Corporate America is using the crisis to restructure the labor market, and Wall Street is using the crisis to garner lavish multi-trillion dollar bailouts, and Gates and Co are using the crisis to push for universal vaccines, so too, the tech giants are using the crisis to grab more power, more money and more integration with the state until the US government is nothing more than a trifling subsidiary of the ever-expanding digital media octopus. That’s the ultimate goal, privatizing the state so the corporations rule the world. It is a mission (that is nearly) accomplished!

So how are the people going to respond to these developments? What will the reaction be when ordinary working people realize that their lives have fundamentally changed for the worse, that their living standards will continue to slide, that full-time work and job security have gone the way of the Dodo, that the middle class is going to be reduced to the size of an acorn, and that the social safety-net has been replaced by higher taxes, fewer public services, a weaker currency and years of grinding, demoralizing austerity? Should we expect social unrest, rioting and street violence in the near future; or should we assume that that those outbursts are inevitable now that personal liberty has been strangled while the economy was vaporized?

No country that willingly destroys its own economy should expect anything different. No people that abandon their liberty for the false-security of state protection should expect anything different. Peter Hitchens sums it up perfectly in an article at the Daily Mail:

“I hate this word, (“lockdown”) because it does not seem to me to be fitting to describe free people in a free country. But we are no longer such people, or such a country. We have become muzzled, mouthless, voiceless, humiliated, regimented prisoners, shuffling about at the command of others, stopping when told to stop, moving when told to move, shouted at by jacks-in-office against whom we have no appeal. We are learning, during this induction period, to do what we are told and to become obedient, servile citizens of a new authoritarian State. We are unlearning the old rules of freedom.

In truth, the economy was a Fed-induced bubble before the pandemic. The central bank has managed to reinflate the stock market bubble despite the economic destruction, but it is nothing but a Fed-induced sugar high. And the economy won’t likely rebound quickly, even after things open up.

There are all kinds of reasons to doubt the quick economic recovery narrative. We’ve reported on the number of over-leveraged zombie companies, skyrocketing household debt, the battered labor market, and a potential cash-flow crisis even after the economy gets moving.

Now we have another sign of long-term economic trouble

Forty-seven percent of the small business owners surveyed said they anticipate shutting down, and 41% said they are looking for full-time work elsewhere. It’s absurd to think the economy is going to come roaring back when nearly half of small business owners expect to shut down. 

The economy would struggle to recover from the shutdown even if it was healthy before the pandemic. And it wasn’t. Initially, we were told that the coronavirus lockdowns would just “temporarily” disrupt the U.S. economy,but now it is becoming clear that a lot of the damage will be permanent. 

Impact on Wall Street

The main players in the financial world are a hand-full of firms such as Vanguard, Blackrock, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. All of these are in the Rockefeller orbit. The aim going forward is to shrink the number of global corporations by merging or taking over its competitors. The result wills that across every sector of the economy, there will be a handful of super-giant global entities dominating. This will apply to the auto, airline, energy, finance, retail, pharma, manufacturing, defense, food and tech sectors. In short, competition will be eliminated! This follows the family motto – “competition is a sin”.

One area that New York overlooked was in the field of oil. As recalled, in December 2016, David jnr, sent Kissinger to Moscow to do a deal, which resulted in Putin allying with New York. Part of this alliance was that Putin was not to agree with reducing oil production, and to rebuff the pleas of Saudi Crown Prince MBS.[Mohammed bin Salman]

This would result in increased production and falling prices. New York was hoping to achieve an oil price in the region of $30. This low price would bankrupt many weaker oil firms, leading to their demise and take-over by Rockefeller oil companies. It would also pressure the economies of its geopolitical rivals – Iran, China and Russia.

But lo and behold, MBS retaliated.

He told Putin that  “ — – why should the Arabs, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi be the ONLY producers to restrain production, while Russia, Norway, Brazil, Iraq and the US are going full out to increase production; if that’s the case then I am going to increase my production (from 8mbp to 12.5 mbp day), and so will Abu Dhabi. Not only that, I am going to drop my selling price”.

And with that, one man, MBS, upset the apple cart for the Rockefeller Empire. The ensuing carnage led to a total collapse in the oil price. This carnage resulted in mass bankruptcies across the oil markets. It also resulted in wiping out tens of billions from oil company valuations and profits. Currently, the oil price is hovering around $30, which is not based on reality, but rather on its manipulation.

Impact on Governments 

Most governments around the world were already deeply in debt, even before this latest crisis. With the onset of Lock Down, income to governments has fallen – across municipalities, state, provincial and national governments. Governments were told to apply for loans from the IMF and the World Bank. Obviously, these loans will come with “strings attached”. My view is that the lock-down will end once a government signs the loan agreement.

 Within a short time, these governments will not be able to pay these loans back, and to avoid a credit-cut-off, or a default, deals will be made wherein governments will privatize many state-owned entities, which will then be sold to the likes of Blackrock, et al.

These global funds will then embark on a process of efficiency (by getting rid of staff, and corruption), and increase prices, thereby making a failed state owned entity profitable. This is one of the ways of creating additional “income streams” for Wall Street.

The next step is to reduce the size of the government’s share of the economy; this will take on the form of out-sourcing many functions – such as garbage collection, police force, courts, etc. The government will end up being just a contractor for Wall Street.

 Currently, a government acts as a shield against financial and geopolitical predators. With a shrunken government, this shield will vanish. The people will face Wall Street alone, and naked. In this manner, more draconian policies will be implemented, one of them being a move towards cashless banking. With the introduction to cashless banking, it would not be long before Ice Nine is implemented. Ice Nine implications are horrendous. https://behind-the-news.com/ice-nine-how-the-elites-plan-to-steal-your-money-the-global-financial-lockdown/

Impact on Geopolitics

Let us be under no illusions, this is a carefully planned operation. There is nothing spontaneous or accidental. Economic recession is engineered at national and global levels. In turn, this crisis is also integrated into US-NATO military and intelligence planning. It is intent not only upon weakening China, Russia and Iran; it also consists in destabilizing the economic fabric of the European Union 

 “Global Governance”

A new stage in the evolution of global capitalism is unfolding. A system of “Global Governance” controlled by powerful financial interests including corporate foundations and Washington think tanks oversees decision-making at both the national and global levels. National governments become subordinate to “Global Governance”.

 The concept of World Government was raised by the late David Rockefeller at the Bilderberger Meeting, Baden Germany, and June 1991: See above quote.


Global Finance Capitalism

The interests of Big Money (global financial interests) overlap with those of Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Defense contractors, etc. Major banking institutions in the US including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, State Street Co. and Goldman Sachs, are investing in the war economy including the development of nuclear weapons under Trump’s 1.2 trillion dollar nuclear weapons program (first established under Obama). 

The ultimate objective of “Big Money” is to transform nation states (with their own institutions and a national economy) into “open economic territories”. That was the fate of Iraq and Afghanistan. But now you can do it without sending in troops, by simply ordering subservient proxy governments integrated by corrupt politicians to close down their economy on humanitarian grounds, the so-called “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) without the need for military intervention.

Impossible to estimate or evaluate. More than half the global economy is disrupted or at a standstill. Let’s be clear this is an imperial agenda. What do the global financial elites want? To privatize the State? To own and privatize the entire planet?

The tendency is towards the centralization and concentration of economic power. Heavily indebted national governments are instruments of Big Money. They are proxies. Key political appointments are controlled by lobby groups representing Wall Street, The Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Corporate Media and the Digital Communications Giants, etc. Big Money in Europe and America (through Washington Lobby groups) seek to control national governments.

In what direction are we going? What is the future of humanity? The current corona crisis is a sophisticated imperial project, which consists in worldwide domination by a handful of multibillion dollar conglomerates.  Global capitalism is destroying national capitalism.

The unspoken intent of global capitalism is the destruction of the nation state and its institutions leading to global poverty on an unprecedented scale. How to reverse the tide? The first priority is to repeal the lie.

Truth is a powerful weapon for repealing the lies of the corporate media and the governments. When the Lie Becomes the Truth There is No Moving Backwards. As Winston Churchill once said, “In wartime, truth is so precious that it has to be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies”.

The cashless agenda is part of the New World Order scheme that goes along with transhumanism, that is, the digitization of everything in society, including money, information and life itself.

By implementing the measure, a cashless society will be able to control, track every economic transaction, allowing authorities to build an even more complete picture of who you are to stop any possible disobedience or revolution before it happens. It also increases government revenue through taxes.

For example, China has seized the opportunity to meet the cashless agenda by stating that paper money should now be taken out of circulation due to the possibility that it may contain traces of COVID-19 and thus contribute to the spread of coronavirus.

Quarantines and Martial Law

Governments enjoy the scenarios of martial law, because human rights are suspended. Authoritarian China has been praised by many globalists such as the late David Rockefeller or the WHO as a model for the New World Order. Italy has decreed a state of emergency and has deployed its troops through the streets, and Spain plans to declare a state of alarm.

Interestingly, the opening ceremony of the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan declared a “New World”, referencing the New World Order and also signaling the transformation of society, yet another clue that this entire event was prepared. Whatever the truth about the origin of the virus itself, who created it, how it was released, and whether it is really that dangerous, the whole phenomenon of the coronavirus pandemic is undoubtedly being used to accelerate various New World Order agendas.


The Rockefeller Empire had such a lock-down plan in the works for a few years. I was expecting it to be rolled out only after the global financial collapse. The only logical reason for them to bring it forward was its geopolitical rivals- who were getting stronger. It was time to bring them down to a more controllable size. And its key rivals are China, Iran and the EU.

The second reason why New York acted so fast has to do with the state of the financial markets and the declining profits for the past year. The financial vultures of Wall Street NEED ADDITIONAL INCOME STREAMS to survive the declining returns that they are currently experiencing. This push to pressure and force governments to lock down their economies will bankrupt the economy, and put the government into further debt. New loans issued by Wall Street to these governments will bring an additional income stream, at a higher profit. But, this is only part 1.

In Part 2 of this act, when the governments are unable to repay these loans, Wall Street will then force the privatization of state-owned entities. Buy them for a song. Make them efficient and profitable. This would then provide a new and great income stream.

Lastly, many corporations will go bankrupt. The Rockefeller Group will buy them cheap. The end result will be fewer than 20 very large corporations in each segment of the economy. Remember the family motto: – COMPETITION IS A SIN !!

Finally, the current riots, uprisings, etc happening across America is because it is well organized and funded. Who is behind this is obvious. It is not Moscow, Beijing or Riyadh. Of the 5 major power centers in the world, that leaves London. The Rothschilds have the means, the capacity, and A VERY GOOD REASON to stick it to both the Rockefeller Empire and its man in the White House.

Because of the pro-Putin tilt by New York and the White House, London tried many ways to get back at the Rockefeller Empire by attacking their “manager” –Trump, but failed every time these past three years. The race riots has provided London with a perfect chance to stroke the unrest even higher. The paymaster of this is George Soros – Jacob Rothschild’s international financial gangster.  It would be an excellent chance to embarrass the White House, and maybe, this would cause Trump to lose the upcoming presidential elections. Geopolitics is a dirty game. Even allies tear into one another.

Our next article deals more on the geopolitical aspects of all this. The article is called POST LOCKDOWN – AMERICA’S GEOPOLITICAL OPPORTUNITY.

Without the fear campaign and media propaganda, the actions taken by our governments would not have a leg to stand on. “Social Distancing” does not prevent the financial elites from providing instructions to corrupt politicians.

On the other hand, “social distancing” combined with confinement is being used as a means of social subordination. It prevents people from meeting as well as protesting this so-called New World Order.

Organization, Truth and Solidarity are essential to reversing the tide. The first step of a worldwide movement is “counter-propaganda”. Is there hope? Yes, there is hope, as long as we live. The world has to wake up.

Seven billion people under lockdown- wake up! Realize, what is happening to you, all under false pretenses to control humanity, to digitize and robotize your very lives.

What better way to do this than under the pretext of locking you away “for your own safety”? – Defy these rules, stand up against these invisible omni-powerful self-appointed rulers, who only have the power, we, the People, give them, or allow them to take from us. Because all they have is money, and corrupted media that spread fear and more fear to keep locking you down.

Get out of FEAR, get out of the lockdown, stand up for your rights, for your freedom. Because freedom and liberty cannot be bought with money, nor trampled by the media. They are inherently within us all.

[Webmaster note: One point, touched only lightly, is the 'unknown entity' that will be the ‘rescuer’ for the world - Will it be a person, a known power, perhaps a powerful religious institution that wars against God remnant? No name was given, but Revelation reveals that power and describes it  - to a “T”.  Get ready, get ready!  The soon return of Jesus  Christ is ‘even at the door’. The end of the Great Controversy is nigh! - but first, according to Daniel 12:1, "...there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time"]

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