IPCC busted on Chemtrails

NASA’s use of “Chemtrails” to describe deployment of chemicals as white lines in the sky has changed everything.

“Chemtrails” is recently revealed to be an appropriate word to describe “climate engineering”.  The term “geoengineering” is confusing when it implies the government is doing something in secret to prevent global warming when the evidence shows the exact opposite.

Chemtrails and electromagnetic directed energies are creating global warming by altering warm and cold weather patterns.

Years ago, activists decided to use “geoengineering” in place of “chemtrails as an attempt to be “politically correct” but this was back in the days before NASA was discovered to use the term “chemtrails” to describe release of various chemicals into the atmosphere.

NASA’s use of Chemtrails to describe chemical lines in the sky has changed everything and validates the word “chemtrails” above “geoengineering” to describe “climate engineering” as a weapon of eco-terrorism. (Source)

Google Searches for “Chemtrails” Skyrocketed Last Month, Highest EverActivist Post – By Cassius Kamarampi

In April 2016, the Google searches for “chemtrails” reached a higher point than we’ve ever seen.

Supporting the idea that people are researching chemtrails more frequently because they are seeing them more frequently, there seem to be seasonal peaks in the search statistics. You can test it for yourself at Google Trends here.


The highest peaks include:

  • April 2004
  • April 2007
  • June 2008
  • April 2009
  • January 2011
  • January 2012
  • October 2012
  • April 2013
  • April 2014
  • May 2015
  • April 2016

From this we might be able to infer that geoengineering activity took place in spring or winter for the last several years.

The peaks of Google search activity for “geoengineering” occurred at many of the same points as for “chemtrails.”

And here are the results for “geoengineering chemtrails.” 

You can’t handle the truth about vaccines (Ad)

Clifford Carnicom’s 2005 documentary Aerosol Crimes must have been a contribution to the first two spikes.

As we pointed out in “The Geoengineering Escalation of 2016,” we can measure and track geoengineering activity, and we should grip onto that and use that as something we can do about this. Let’s stay active.

We recommend taking pictures of the trails at every single opportunity: track them, make observations, communicate with people and let’s figure out how to deal with this threat to our health and prosperity as the free human beings we should be.

Please share this with as many people as possible.