Holy Spirit & the Sanctuary 3

Holy Spirit & the Sanctuary 3

Godhead United In All They Do

Study given by W. D. Frazee - February 9, 1968

Our opening text this evening is 1 John 5:7. Introducing this I will read the last part of the sixth verse:

“And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” 1 John 5:6, 7.

You notice the Spirit is witnessing. That is, He is testifying. He has something to say, a message to deliver. But intimately linked with the Spirit in this work, and in every work, are the Father and the Son, or as He is called here, the Word. John uses this name for Jesus frequently. You remember in his gospel, the first chapter, he says:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” John 1:1.

“All things were made by him” John 1:3.

So Jesus is the Word, that is, God’s thought made audible. But with the Father and the Son is linked the Holy Spirit. And as Jesus came to reveal the Father, so when He went back to heaven He said, “I will pray the Father and He will send you another Comforter that He might abide forever, even the Spirit of truth.”

In our two previous evening studies on the work of the Holy Spirit and the sanctuary, we have found that just as there was a particular time for the advent of Jesus, an hour when the fullness of the time was come, as Paul says in Galatians 4:4, so there was a time for the special bestowal and manifestation of the third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. So it is written:

“When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” Acts 2:1.

And suddenly the Spirit was poured out, Acts 2:1-4. Everything God does, dear friends, is on time. His clock keeps perfect time. I am so glad that we can learn to walk with Him and work with Him, aren’t you?

But now this evening I want you to notice especially as we have been emphasizing, that no member of the Godhead does anything alone. At creation:

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Genesis 1:1.

“The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” Genesis 1:2.

“God said” Genesis 1:26, (The Father and the Son counseling together)

“Let us make man in our image” Genesis 1:26.

The first chapter of Genesis reveals the Godhead, the three members of the Godhead working to create this world and place man upon it.

And my dear friends, every hour of this world’s history, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit have been vitally interested in this planet and the human beings upon it. They are interested in us, tonight. That is why God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16). But the whole plan of salvation, heaven’s plan to save man and bring us back to unity with the Godhead, is revealed in the sanctuary service. As it is written:

“Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary” Psalm 77:13.

It is in the sanctuary that God reveals His love for us. That sanctuary is in heaven, Paul says plainly in Hebrews 8:1-5. This is God’s dwelling place. It is a wonderful thing, friends. The more I contemplate it the more it thrills me - that God has taken His own dwelling place, the supreme court of the universe, and has dedicated it to the work of saving man and bringing him back to his lost estate. Isn’t that a wonderful evidence of His regard for us, His love for us?

And as Jesus, when He came to this world, came from heaven and went back to heaven, so He sent the Spirit from heaven, and the Spirit is seeking to woo us to heaven all the while.

But as we noted last Friday night, the giving of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost was intimately connected with something special that was going on in heaven. You remember we found that here in this sanctuary on earth there was worked out in shadowy outline a type, a copy of what would happen in heaven.

There are three great divisions to the work here. First, in the court where the sacrifices were slain, second, in the holy place where the blood was ministered that sins might be forgiven, and lastly, in the most holy place where the blood was ministered upon the mercy seat that sins might be blotted out. This is the sanctuary service in simplicity: the sacrifice of the offering, the ministering of the blood in the first apartment to cover sins, the ministering of the blood in the most holy place to do away with them forever.

My point is this: In every one of these experiences and activities, the Spirit of God is vitally concerned. Take in the offering of the Saviour. When He came to this world, He was conceived by what? The Holy Ghost. When He came and was baptized by John at Jordan He was anointed with the Holy Ghost. And when He came to that wonderful hour of sacrifice, Paul tells us in Hebrews 9:14, that through the eternal Spirit, He offered Himself without spot to God. Yes, and it was by the Spirit that He was quickened, or made alive, as Peter tells us 1 Peter 3. Conceived of the Spirit, anointed with the Spirit, offered through the Spirit, raised through the Spirit, He ascended to the Father’s throne and there entered upon His work in the first apartment as Priest.

When His offering had been accepted, when He had been inaugurated as Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, He asked the Father that the Spirit which was anointing Him might fall upon His people. And this prayer the Father granted.

Jesus, you remember, told His disciples, “I am going heavenward and I will pray the Father and He will send you the Spirit.” So when the Spirit was poured out on Pentecost on the waiting disciples, they knew that Christ had arrived in the heavenly sanctuary and had entered upon His work. And so with great power they gave the message to the Jews gathered there at the feast of Pentecost. They said, “This Jesus that you crucified has been raised and has ascended and He has been accepted, and is Lord and Christ. He is Priest and King, and we are witnesses of these things.”

As a result of the mighty outpouring of the Spirit that day, three thousand souls were converted, a few days later other thousands. The work spread rapidly. Thus mightily and marvelously did the message go under the inspiration of this wonderful gift of the Spirit.

Now, friends, as I showed you last Friday night, the special gift of the Spirit that was manifested there was the gift of prophecy. It was this that Joel prophesied, and it was this that Peter called attention to. God spoke that day through the apostles in many languages or tongues (the words tongue and language are synonymous). He spoke through those various languages in order that everyone might hear in his own language wherein he was born. That is what Acts 2 says. And what a wonderful provision it was that God might thus reach the hearts of men with this message.

But as I called your attention to last week: The important thing, my dear friends, is not the ability to speak in some other language. It is the ability to speak the truth in any language that one is speaking in. For unless there is content, unless there is message, the mere repetition of words does not mean anything. Ah, friends, Paul spoke the truth when he said he would rather speak five words with his understanding that might edify others, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. That is what he tells us in 1 Corinthians 14.

And I am glad that when Peter and the other apostles spoke there on the day of Pentecost in various languages, they all spoke a message which was indited by the Spirit, inspired by God. It was the voice of the Spirit of prophecy in fulfillment of Joel’s prediction.

This evening, I promised to bring you down to these latter days, the last of the last days, and bring you a recital of some of the wonderful providences of God at this time, linked also with the sanctuary.

You remember I showed you last week that Christ came right on time: baptized in A.D. 27, died in A.D. 31. This was all in exact fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 8 and 9. And may I say, if there is someone here, tonight, to whom this prophecy is not clear, give us the privilege of placing in your hands something that you can read that will make this just as clear as ABC to you.

This is, by the way, one of the great proofs that Jesus is really the true Messiah, the Son of God. Five hundred years before He was born into this world, the angel Gabriel came to Daniel and gave him the inspired mathematical prophecy, which clearly located the year of the beginning of His ministry, the year of His death and resurrection and entering upon His priestly work in the heavenly sanctuary. So He came on time, He died on time, He sent the Spirit on time.

But now the great purpose of Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 8 and 9 was to locate the time for the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. And so it is written in Daniel 8:14 - Will you read it with me?

“Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed” Daniel 8:14.

This is the longest time prophecy in the Bible. It reaches from four and a half centuries before the Christian era right down to the year 1844.

And at that time the prophetic word was that, “the sanctuary will be cleansed.” The sanctuary, of course, is as I have shown you from Hebrews 8:1-5, the true sanctuary in heaven, and its cleansing is the final work of blotting out which is preceded by the investigative judgement. Now, I can only briefly refer to that. We have covered it in other evenings, but as I say, if there is something about it that isn’t clear to someone, give us the opportunity of going over that with you.

The thing that I want you to notice tonight is that the Holy Spirit was and is intimately linked with this work of Jesus in the most holy place, just as He was intimately linked with the beginning of Christ’s work in the holy place.

And this bears out what I brought out in my opening tonight, from the text that says the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are united in all they do. One isn’t busy here and another yonder, working in two different directions. Oh, no.

So when the year 1844 came, and the day arrived when Jesus was to transfer His priestly ministry from the holy to the most holy place, to begin His work of judgement and blotting out sins, all heaven was astir. And just (Mark this point!) as Christ sent from the holy place that wonderful manifestation of the Holy Spirit upon the early church, so He sent from the most holy place a wonderful manifestation to His remnant church - a wonderful manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy.

At this time I would like to review with you, briefly, a text or two that we noted last week. 

Peter says here in 2 Peter 1:19-21, that the word of prophecy is more sure. It is like a light that shines in a dark place. And in the twenty-first verse, He tells us why:

“For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” 2 Peter 1:21.

The prophets, then, were men moved by what? By the Holy Ghost. All the prophets - Moses, Samuel, David; all those men of ancient times who received from God the message - were moved by what? Moved by the Holy Ghost. This is one of the most wonderful things, my dear friends, in all the universe that God is willing to communicate with men, that from the starry heights there can come a message given to the prophet, by the Holy Spirit.

And Jesus plainly told us that the Spirit comes like the wind, unseen, but the effects are clearly seen. The wind blows the trees and we say, “Ah, the wind is blowing.” We see it not. So is the work of the Holy Spirit. And so when the prophet is given a vision, no human eye beholds the messenger from heaven, but the prophet sees the dream, the vision that the Holy Spirit brings, and he writes it out for the benefit of the church.

In Acts 2:16-18, we have Peter’s repetition of Joel’s prophecy, and there is something about it I want you to notice especially:

“This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy” Acts 2:16-18.

Notice that the special operation of the Spirit which prophecy predicts is the gift of prophecy in visions and dreams. These are the greatest manifestations of the Spirit of God, my friends, for these are direct communications from heaven to earth.

Notice, also, that it is clearly promised that in the last days, both sons and daughters will prophecy:

“On my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy” Acts 2:18.

This began to be fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost. But certainly, as we approach the very last of the last days, we have every reason to expect the greatest fulfillment of this wonderful prophecy. And that is exactly what we find.

Another wonderful statement, Revelation 19:10. Here is John falling at the feet of the angel to worship him. The angel said, “Don’t do that. Don’t worship me.”

“I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God” Revelation 19:10. Now will you read with me, the rest:

“For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” Revelation 19:10.

What is the testimony of Jesus? The Spirit of Prophecy. Then I ask you, friends, what is the Spirit of Prophecy? It’s the testimony of Jesus. When you hear a prophet speaking, you are hearing Jesus speaking. That is why Jesus said to those He sent out with this wonderful gift:

“He that heareth you heareth me” Luke 10:16.

I do not mean for a moment that any man is infallible - far from it. But God is infallible, my friends. The Holy Spirit is infallible. And if we get a message straight from heaven, such as Moses wrote under inspiration, such as Isaiah wrote moved by the Holy Spirit, such as Peter himself was giving at Pentecost, and such as John was receiving on the Isle of Patmos, when we get an inspired message like that, we are receiving the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Isn’t that wonderful? And where is Jesus? Why, we have read there in Hebrews that He has entered the sanctuary for us. He is the forerunner. He went in within this first veil when He ascended, and when 1844 came, according to the prophecy of Daniel 8:14, He passed within the second veil. Just as at the beginning of His work in the first apartment, He sent that wonderful pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost; so when He went within the second veil, He sent His Holy Spirit and poured it out in this wonderful gift of prophecy - the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy.

Let’s note another prediction of this fact: “And the dragon” Revelation 12:17,

(That is the devil.) “Was wroth” Revelation 12:17,

(That means angry.) “With the woman” Revelation 12:17,

(That is the church.) “The dragon was wroth with the woman” Revelation 12:17,

(The devil was angry with the church.) “And went to make war with” Revelation 12:17,


“The remnant of her seed” Revelation 12:17.

That is the last, the last of her children. The last church that God will ever have in this world, is pictured here. And how are they represented? How are they characterized? How may they be known?

“Which keep the commandments of God, and have” Revelation 12:17,

Something. What do they have? “The testimony of Jesus Christ” Revelation 12:17.

And we have already read in the previous text that the testimony of Jesus is what? The Spirit of Prophecy. So here is a remnant church in the very last of the last days against whom the devil makes war, and they keep all of God’s commandments, and they have what? The testimony of Jesus Christ, which is what? The Spirit of Prophecy. There we have it, friends.

I am so glad God has made it so simple and so clear in His Word. Aren’t you? Therefore, (Watch the point!) if we are living in the last days, there should be in this world a movement which has messages from heaven. The Saviour who left this world left us not as orphans. He said He would send the Spirit and manifest the Spirit in various gifts, including pre-eminently the gift of prophecy, this wonderful gift of prophecy.

And so it came to pass that shortly after October 22, 1844 (the day when, according to prophecy, Jesus was to go into the most holy place), in December of 1844, God sent His Holy Spirit upon a young woman in Portland, Maine, named Ellen Harmon. He gave to her a wonderful vision showing the special message of God for this hour, directing God’s people to the Bible, and explaining prophecies that had to do with these latter days.

After a few weeks she was given another vision, and another. And for many years this woman, after her marriage Mrs. Ellen G. White, received these messages and wrote them out for the benefit of the people of God.

When Ellen was a girl of nine years she had an accident which left her an invalid. Thus she was deprived of the usual school privileges. At the age of seventeen, when she had her first vision, she was so sick that she could scarcely speak above a whisper. And the doctors thought she would be dead within six months. But God in His mercy raised her up, from time to time, and although she was weak, His strength was made perfect in weakness.

At the time that she had her first vision, due to her sickness, she was unable to write as well as unable to speak to a public audience. But God gave her the commission to write the vision. She said, “Dear Lord, You know I can’t write.” Ah, but He would strengthen her and be with her. And so in obedience to those words from heaven her trembling hand took up the pen. And for seventy years she wrote down the messages which the Holy Spirit gave her in vision.

These were messages direct from Jesus in the most holy place, and intimately linked with His personal ministry there at the mercy seat, all designed to focus the commands and teaching of the Bible upon preparing a people for the coming of Jesus in these latter days. These messages have been written out in books, over fifty volumes dealing with various phases of Bible truth and practical Christian living, the most wonderful library to help us understand the Bible and how to apply its truths to the problems of modern life, and of getting ready to meet Jesus.

These writings have been before the world for several decades now and we invite, as God invites, all to test and try and prove for themselves, as it is written in 1 Thessalonians 5:19- 21. Will you read it with me?

“Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21.

There are those who despise prophesyings. If they hear anything about a prophet or a vision they say, “Oh, I don’t want anything to do with that.” But this says that if we despise prophesyings we may quench what? The Spirit. And yet we are cautioned against blindly accepting all that claims to be from heaven, for there are false visions and false dreams. Jesus warned His people against false prophets. And may I suggest to you, friends, that when Jesus warned us against false prophets, He thereby clearly indicated that there would be true ones.

How many of you ever saw a counterfeit three dollar bill? May I see your hands? Why are there not any counterfeit three dollar bills? There are no real ones. And so when Jesus warned us against false prophets, you can see He was dealing with the fact that there would be both true and false and we need to be careful. So He says to prove all things and hold fast that which is good.

There are ways in which we may prove the manifestation of the prophetic gift. One is to compare the visions of a modern prophet with the visions of the ancient prophet in Bible times. For example, here is one very interesting experience in Daniel 10:17. Daniel is in vision. He is talking with the angel. But he says:

“For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me” Daniel 10:17.

Well, how could a man talk without breath? That is what Daniel says, “How can I?” Indeed how could he? But he says:

“Neither is there breath left in me” Daniel 10:17.

God takes away the breath of the prophet in vision in order to show that the voice that is speaking there is a supernatural voice, something above the ordinary, beyond the natural.

That God is at work.

Ellen G. White in dozens and scores of experiences from 1844 on for many years had visions similar to these of the ancient Bible prophets. These visions lasted all the way from a few minutes to an hour, two hours, three and four hours. She was examined by many witnesses, some of them physicians, some of them were believers and some of them unbelievers, some of them not even Christians. But all who examined her were led to recognize that she was without breath in her body.

I have talked to those who have seen her in vision. I have in my files the signed statements of witnesses who record the experience that they saw. Let me tell you of one very interesting experience. Here you see a large Bible, an old family Bible. It weighs eighteen pounds. I have had this Bible in my hand, held it out on my arm.

Ellen G. White (she was Ellen Harmon at the time the experience took place) when she was just seventeen years of age, and weighed only seventy pounds, held this Bible in vision for twenty minutes, out on her arm like this [with her arm extended]. She passed from one to another in the room of the place where the vision was given, and turned with her hand various pages, pointed to certain texts, and quoted them without looking at them, to various ones in the room, all the while without breath in her body.

You can readily understand, dear friends, that experiences of this kind brought great conviction to those who witnessed them. Now, I know that you and I, as we sit here tonight, removed by a number of decades from those experiences, cannot sense the weight of this as those did who saw it. But may I tell you that this, instead of being the greatest reason that I believe in the visions of Ellen G. White, is one of the least of the reasons. I merely introduce it as showing how closely these visions follow the pattern of the ancient Bible prophets.

But there is another test that is far more important. This is the Bible test of Isaiah 8:20. Will you read it with me?

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” Isaiah 8:20.

No matter how many marvelous and miraculous things might be connected with the work of any prophet, my friends, I would have no interest in it unless it agrees in every detail with this Bible. The Bible is God’s word, proved by the testimony of many generations. This is the yardstick by which we are to measure every manifestation that claims to be the Holy Spirit.

And look at the wording of this, friends. It is very interesting and deserves notice there: “To the law and to the testimony” Isaiah 8:20.

I have already showed you how the Holy Spirit is coming from the sanctuary. He is sent from Jesus in the sanctuary. But Jesus is ministering there before the ark, and in the ark is God’s holy law, the ten commandments. Those ten commandments written on the tables of stone are the standard of judgment as James tells us in James 2:10-12. By this the lives of men are being measured.

And listen. How could any message from heaven lead men away from that law? Why, it would be impossible. The angels that come from that sanctuary represent the reverence with which all the angelic host view the law of God enshrined in the ark. The Holy Spirit, who comes from the most holy place, is exalting the law.

So, whenever I see any manifestation that claims to be the work of the Holy Spirit, but instead of exalting this law tears it down, I know it did not come from heaven. Do you see how simple it is?

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” Isaiah 8:20.

Turn off that stereo-optic for a minute, Brother. And just turn off this light over here, will you? Let’s just see what we get when there is no light. You know what it is, don’t you? It is darkness. Ah, yes. It is darkness. But, oh, I am so glad that we can have light, aren’t you? The wonderful light of the sanctuary, the light of the law, the light of the most holy place, the light of the word of God, and the testimonies of His Spirit.

(Back to our pictures please.) I want you to notice, now, some other tests of the work of the prophet. From Ephesians 4:8, 11-13, we notice this:

“Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men” Ephesians 4:8.

This is Christ’s ascension to the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. Up there He gave gifts to men. What did He give?

“He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers” Ephesians 4:11.

And what is the purpose of these gifts of the Spirit?

“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” Ephesians 4:12.

What does edify mean? To build up. This is an edifice or a building. And notice these gifts are given for the edifying of the body of Christ. The thirteenth verse tells us how long they are needed:

“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man” Ephesians 4:13.

Here are gifts that will make God’s people perfect. As long as we are here in this world, then we need them until Jesus comes - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.

Let me refer briefly to some of the ways these wonderful visions have built up the church of God, the work of God.

Here in this humble little farmhouse near Middletown, Connecticut in 1848, the Holy Spirit came from heaven to Sister Ellen White and gave her a vision in which she was instructed that our people should begin to print a little paper and send it out. She gave that message to those who were leading out in the work. And a few months later the first printed sheet came out, the periodical called The Present Truth, published by James White, July 18, 1849, Volume 1, Number 1.

You notice that at once they began to teach the message of the Sabbath. The light of the most holy place was shining out. The fourth commandment was brought to the attention of all.

But my dear friends, that work was begun in deepest poverty. The editor and publisher, James White, carried those papers in a carpet bag, from where he was staying out in the country, to the post office after they had been taken from the printer and prepared for mailing. Little did he realize how that, with the passing decades, this work would spread until today that same message is being printed in scores of languages in every continent on the globe. Presses are running day and night turning out this wonderful message of the coming of Jesus and the keeping of the seventh-day Sabbath.

My point is, it was all started because God gave a vision to His people. From the most holy place came that wonderful message, “Begin to print a little paper, and that from this small beginning it will be like streams of light that would go all around the world.”

Again, in this humble home in Battle Creek, Michigan, James and Ellen White with their growing boys lived a few years later. And messages were given here concerning the beginning of our educational work. We were told that we should have our own schools, that conditions in the world were getting, and would continue to get worse in the teaching of doctrines away from creation and the Bible, and that it was necessary to establish our own schools.

So, in 1875, this college was opened in Battle Creek, Michigan. That particular college is no longer operating, but today we have all around the world, schools of elementary grade, high school and college, and even universities. What for? To carry out a system of education which will help people to get ready for the coming of Jesus, and also enable them to give this message here in this world.

You see how this gift has built up the work. This is in harmony with Paul’s statement, “for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

Again, take the great subject of health: “It was at the house of Brother A. Hilliard,” Sister White says, “at Otsego, Michigan, June 6, 1863, that the great subject of health reform was opened before me in vision.” Back then, over a hundred years ago, light was given to this people that down here in this age when we hear talk about lung cancer and cholesterol, arteriolosclerosis and coronary attacks, that vision is very meaningful. For those who have followed the light of the visions have been kept from lung cancer and largely from these other conditions, my friends. That is a wonderful thing. It shows the evidence of inspiration.

A few years after this vision in Battle Creek, Michigan, our first sanitarium was opened. Later, under the direct guidance of the prophet, under the instruction of visions, sanitariums were opened in many parts of the country and many parts of the world.

I give you just a few examples. Here is the beautiful Washington Sanitarium at our nation’s capital. Senators, representatives, judges, others, love to come to this place to receive the treatments and Seventh-day Adventist type of care. Where did it come from? It came in vision from the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.

Here is one that is nearer. Our institution near Nashville, the Madison Sanitarium. Here a school was also established. This was under the direct guidance of the visions of Sister White in 1904. And from this institution have come a number of others here in the southland, scattered through the various states of the south.

Then, out in California in 1905, the Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital was established and with it a school for the training of gospel medical missionary evangelists. These grounds, this very location was seen by the prophet in vision long before she ever set foot on it. And guided by the Holy Spirit she instructed our people in locating this place.

Here we have today the Loma Linda University training nurses, doctors, physical therapists, specialists in public health and medical evangelism, and in many other lines - students coming from all over the world and going out all over the world.

This little institution at Wildwood, the Wildwood Sanitarium and Hospital, the Wildwood Missionary Institute, owes its origin to the study of these visions of Ellen G. White. Those who established this place did it because of a deep conviction that many places of this character should be established. I am thankful for them, tonight, dear friends.

And I want to call attention to the fact that the dear Lord arranged not only that institutions should be established, but that every home could have the benefit of this gift. Take the wonderful book, Ministry of Healing. I love this book, a masterpiece on the subject of health and healing and practical living in the home. People who study this book and follow it save themselves not only a great deal of sickness, but a great deal of unhappiness. Every home can have the benefit of that.

In the field of education thousands of parents who have never had the opportunity of special training for parenthood and teaching in the home, have studied this book and received the greatest benefit - Education. Think of a woman who had never gone beyond the third grade in school sitting down to write a book on education to guide not only parents and teachers, but in the establishment of institutions of learning in all the world.

The commissioner of education for the United States government under three presidents, the honorable P. P. Claxton, of Tennessee, read this book through twice, and pronounced it the greatest book on education ever written.

It is, friends. Have you read it? How many of you have this book in you home? May I see your hands? That is good. I want to ask another question. Don’t raise your hands on this. How many of you have it in your heads? And a third question, how many of you have it in your hearts? And a forth one, do you have it in your hands? I mean, are you doing what it says?

Are those good questions? Ah friends, as the food on the table is of value only as it gets into the mouth and the stomach and the bloodstream and the muscles, so the truth of God is of value to us only as it gets in through our eyes and ears into our brain, our thought and then out into our lives and actions.

Well, these are such wonderful gifts that we long to share them with everybody we can. Let me make plain, my friends, as I have already mentioned, none of these books are to take the place of the Bible. The proof for that lies in the fact that those who study these books the most, understand the Bible the best, and appreciate it the most.

And why should there be any conflict? There shouldn’t. As we have read these texts on the screen, the Bible itself calls for the manifestation of the prophetic gift, particularly in the last days. And so, while the Bible and the Bible alone is the basis of our teaching, we believe, along with all the rest of the Bible, that part of the Bible which says that in the last days the gift of prophecy will be manifest.

And remember, do not lose the setting of it. This is all a part of a work which started from the most holy place of the sanctuary in heaven on October 22, 1844. It is a part of a movement whose headquarters is in the most holy place of the heavenly temple. And its purpose is to develop a people whose lives are in harmony with this law. When God gets that work done, when in every human heart that will yield to Him this law is written, then He is going to come. He is going to lay down His work there in heaven, and He is going to come and take us home.

I want to be ready, don’t you? I am so thankful that He has fulfilled His word. He has carried out what He said He would do in this Bible, and sent His Spirit in these latter days to give us these wonderful messages.

Now, next Friday night, I am going to tell you about something still future, something that is yet to be. Before Jesus leaves this most holy place, there is going to be a most wonderful work of the Holy Spirit, the greatest that has ever been since creation’s morning. That I am going to tell you about next Friday night. Your heart will thrill as you hear the testimony of God. And all that we have studied tonight is to help us get ready for that wonderful experience.

Ah, friends, the world needs a special work of the Holy Spirit in this hour of confusion, doesn’t it? Thank God it is promised, and you and I can have a part in it.

As we close this service tonight, I would like to have us sing that old favorite, “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” And this, you might like to know, was one of the favorite hymns of the messenger of God, Ellen G. White.

Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly.

Sister White loved to exalt the Saviour. One of her best loved books is this volume, The Desire of Ages, over 800 pages dealing with the life and death and resurrection and ministry our Lord. Those who read this book will know that here was one who walked closely with the Saviour and who had a message directly from Jesus above.

And so our eyes are pointed not to any human being in the past or present. Our eyes are pointed to the Saviour whose message makes these books possible, whose life is our pattern, whose death makes our salvation possible, and whose intercession in the sanctuary above is for us this very hour.

Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide! Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last!

Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, O leave me not alone! Still support and comfort me; All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Three I bring; Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing.

Thou, O Christ, art all I want, More than all in Thee I find; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name, I am all unrighteousness; Vile and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace.

Plenteous grace with Thee is found - Grace to pardon all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within; Thou of life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee;

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