Global Warming is a sin - or an evil hoax?

In his message for the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” Thursday, Pope Francis said that human-induced global warming, as well as a loss of biodiversity are “sins” against God, which must be atoned for by planting trees, avoiding the use of plastic and paper and “separating refuse.”

“Global warming continues, due in part to human activity,” Francis said, adding that “2015 was the warmest year on record, and 2016 will likely be warmer still.”

“This is leading to ever more severe droughts, floods, fires and extreme weather events. Climate change is also contributing to the heart-rending refugee crisis.

Repeatedly citing the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who has “courageously and prophetically continued to point out our sins against creation,” Francis made his own a new list of such environmental sins, which include pollution, global warming and deforestation.

For human beings to “destroy the biological diversity of God’s creation,” to “degrade the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate,” to “contaminate the earth’s waters, its land, its air, and its life–these are sins,” he wrote.

Lamenting “the devastation of the environment,” Francis said that “God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of debris, desolation and filth.”  Specifically regarding a loss of biodiversity, the Pope suggested that now there are fewer species to give glory to God.

The Pope said that the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation was instituted in order to give believers an opportunity to “reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation.”  It also furnishes an occasion to thank God for the gift of creation, to implore his help for its protection and to beg “his pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live.”

During this Jubilee Year, “let us learn to implore God’s mercy for those sins against creation that we have not hitherto acknowledged and confessed,” Francis said, while proposing that Christians need to undergo an “ecological conversion.”

“Let us repent of the harm we are doing to the earth,” he added.

If our "ecological conversion" is real, Francis said, it will lead to concrete ways of thinking and acting that are more respectful of creation.

Among these are “avoiding the use of plastic and paper, reducing water consumption, separating refuse, cooking only what can reasonably be consumed, showing care for other living beings, using public transport or car-pooling, planting trees, turning off unnecessary lights, or any number of other practices.”

In his message, the Pope also applauded “a growing global political consensus” regarding the environment, praising the adoption of “Sustainable Development Goals” as well as last December’s Paris Agreement on climate change, “which set the demanding yet fundamental goal of halting the rise of the global temperature.”


There it is friends--it is not enough to be converted to Jesus Christ for salvation!  We must now embark on a new conversion--a green one, if you please.

It appears that the Pope has more than rubbish in mind for recycling.  He wishes for the world to recycle their religions into a watermelon-flavored homogenized group hug with himself as the global cheerleader.  Google "From Conflict to Communion" me lads, and pray for the next Martin Luther to step onto the stage.

Webmaster note: Seems to be a conflict on what is - or is not - true….

So what is the real agenda here?

August 31, 2016

Over 30,000 scientists say 'Catastrophic Man-Made 

Global Warming' is a complete hoax and science lie

and in late 2015 - Global warming HOAX unravels... globalist science fraud engineered to control humanity, not save it

Concidentally, the largest methane leak in US history started  in Califronia October 23, 2015 - just after the June 2015 Papal Encyclical on ‘Climate Change” (Laudato Si) and just before the United Nations Paris Climate Change Conference Nov 30 - Dec 12 2015 passed a global initiative that affects the whole planet.

The California Aliso Canyon blowout vented more than 100,000+ tons of methane into the atmosphere before it was plugged. Methane is 84 times more potent than CO2

Do you think the release of 100,000+ TONS of methane might cause a time of increased warming on planet earth?

Just a coincidence, I’m sure?

So what is the real agenda here?