To Seventh-day Adventists: A Warning About False Tests

Presentation with music

To Seventh-day Adventists: A Warning About False Tests | Seventh-day Adventists—unlike any other Christian Church on earth—have been called by God Himself to boldly proclaim the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to a lost and dying world before Jesus Christ returns (see verses 14-16). Unfortunately, many Adventists are being sidetracked from their holy mission by certain movements within the Adventist church itself claiming to have “new light,” or “new truths,” that are being presented as “new tests" for Adventists themselves. Pastor Wohlberg warns that 2520, feast-keeping, and anti-Trinity ideas are fueling intensive controversy, division, and diversion—which is exactly what the devil wants.

Presentation without music

To Seventh-day Adventists: A Warning About False Tests | Seventh-day Adventists—unlike any other Christian Church on earth—have been called by God Himself to boldly proclaim the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to a lost and dying world before Jesus Christ returns (see verses 14-16). Unfortunately, many Adventists are being sidetracked from their holy mission by certain movements within the Adventist church itself claiming to have “new light,” or “new truths,” that are being presented as “new tests" for Adventists themselves. Pastor Wohlberg warns that 2520, feast-keeping, and anti-Trinity ideas are fueling intensive controversy, division, and diversion—which is exactly what the devil wants.