Daniel Cho’s Comments and Motion


"In the spirit of church unity and respect for the decision of the General Conference in Session, and recognizing that the General Conference in Session with delegates from all over the world is the highest human body that we have for settling disputable matters among its divisions and their entities in the church, we the North American Division Executive Committee, as part of the General Conference, as the GC Legal Counsel said, directs that all entities that we serve to bring their practice into harmony with all the NAD, GC Policy, and with the 2015 vote of the world church on ordination."

Collusion?….Apparently the NAD leadership felt no need for prayer on this issue.

The Result:

Juan Prestol-Puesân of the General Conference. Prestol-Puesân moved to table Cho’s motion, whose motion to table passed.

Watch the full 3 hour meeting here:
