2 immaculateheart/mary online Dec 2003 statement

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The editors of  immaculateheart.com/maryonline, a Roman Catholic website, stated in December, 2003:

"The challenge issued by Rome over 100 years ago remains:

Either the Catholic Church is right, or the Seventh-day Adventists are right. There can be no other choice. And if one choose neither, then the whole doctrine of Sola Scriptura collapses, and with it, the pillar upon which all of Protestantism stands.

What one has left is an invented religion, an invented God, and an invented set of beliefs that suits man’s purpose and not the Creator’s. Like Satan and Luther before them, Protestants have spoken the creed. In action and in thought, if not in word. “I Will Not Serve…” 

The challenge remains—yet you will find no response, not from any Evangelical, Fundamentalist, or mainline Protestant denomination anywhere. Ultimately, it is the clear authority of the Catholic Church as vested in Her by God Himself, that rules the day."

Well, that's pretty straightforward…Rome said it, not anyone else - The Roman Catholic Church.

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