“The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Christ. He is also the Spirit of the Father." 

The Spirit is only Christ’s breath—“Pneuma is understood in the light of John 20:22 where Christ, appearing to the Apostles, breathed on them and conferred on them the Holy Spirit. He is the breath of Christ.

“He [the Holy Spirit] proceeds, not by way of generation, but by way of spiration, from the Father and the Son together, as from a single principle. 

“The Son proceeds from the Father; the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son.”

The Holy Ghost, ... proceeds from the Father through the Son teaching all truth.

"One the Holy Ghost, having His subsistence from God . . Perfect Trinity, which in eternity, glory, and power, is neither divided, nor separated . . Unchanging and immutable Trinity.”

“Proceeding both from the Father and the Son, the Holy Ghost, nevertheless, proceeds from them as from a single principle. The Holy Ghost proceeds from the two, not in so far as They are distinct, but inasmuch as Their Divine perfection is numerically one.”

“The Father begets the Son, and the Son proceeds from the Father. The Father and Son breathe forth the Holy Ghost, and He proceeds from Them, as from one Source.” 

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